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Zorro & Ester 52


372 - Well, as you can see above, Zorro & Ester are being canned. No that doesn't mean that I am quitting, in fact quite the opposite. It is just part of the storyline. I will continue to bring the great goodness of 3 technicolor comics per week as usual, excepting for the upcoming week.

Yes, I am taking a much much needed spring break. Classes are winding down today, I have 2 tomorrow, then spring break is in full swing! And I couldn't be happier. During this break I hope to throw up 1 thing. Another comic book thing on the Cloak & Dagger area, so look for that. Not telling what it is though, it is a secret.

But yes, for this coming week, there will be no new Zorro & Esters. This will give you all a chance to go back and catch up, or read your favorite ones again.

I thought I would end with a cliffhanger, so enjoy the 52nd Z&E and wonder who??? will replace them... I know, but I am not telling. See if you can guess. If you know me well, you probably already know. So enjoy.

Other than that, I finished all my midterms and hope I did well on them. I can't wait to go home and play video games, but alas, Arc the Lad has been moved back to the end of March, so I will not have it for spring break. So I guess I will get Skies of Arcadia or replay FF10. Hmmm, life is full of hard choices. Maybe I could finally beat Xenogears. Nahhh.

I hope everyone saw the great fan art I got, if not go check. And I am still waiting for some more, so don't forget to send.

I'm going to quit writing now and finish this picture I am drawing for a ?friend? He/She asked me to draw a video game character a certain way, and I've been working real hard on it, so soon hopefully I'll put it up for your viewing pleasure. G'day all.

See ya next week.
G'week I guess it should be.