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Zorro & Ester 43


2142 - Whew. Worst day of the year is passing, finally. I think I have never had a girlfriend on valentine's day, and man I sure am glad. Another thing I am glad about is that my mother was able to hold me in so that I wasn't born on valentine's day, as was the expected date.

Well, I hope everyone realized that that thing up there is an XBox. I know it doesn't look anything like one, I had to take some creative lisencing. Another thing I guess I should say is that the XBox is not as bad as I make it out to be. I hope I don't ever get in trouble with microsoft. I'm sorry if I do. I bet you some day one of my banners will be an XBox game or something. That would be sad. Right now, if I started making fun of lycos or seventeen or whatever magazine they advertise at the top of my page, I would probably be in big trouble. So I won't.

Attention. As I am writing this, I decided to take a peek at my banner, and lo and behold, it was an advertisement for "The future of Rock: Adema....Enter and win a free XBox." Sigh.

Well, back to business. I am trying to hurry up this plot, cause I hate giving plot on this comic. I feel that people will not want to go and read the back comics, even though it only takes a few seconds, and I hate when I sacrifice a funny comic for the sake of continuity. Like comic 41, it wasn't funny. AT ALL! But I needed it to build up the villian. But I wrote another plot filled script. So if anyone really wants plot, or really doesn't, please let me know. Remember, you have a say in this too. (Well, not really, but I like to make you feel like you do.)

Oh, and I should mention, since most people wouldn't understand this comic or anything, it is a refrence to Wolverine. From the X-men. X men. With an X. And he is getting angry that the X box steals the X from the X men. Or something. Basically I just wanted to draw Zorro as Wolverine. And yes that is Zorro in the last panel, if anyone thought differently I am sorry. I styled his hair differently so that he looks more like Wolverine. As if the claws were not a dead giveaway. And the "Bub!" And the X on his shirt. Remember, Zorro's shirt changes designs randomly, so don't expect it to be the same from panel to panel.

So how is the comic going to turn out you wonder? Well, I don't rightly know. But I hope to end it real soon. REAL SOON! Cause I am getting tired of it.

Well, I got a great reaction from my weird rant last time, when I removed my pants and spouted words of wisdom for the illiterate. So I guess I will try it again. It is a valentine's day special. (And ps, these are all written by me. Not Saturday Night Live, although that was a great influence.) Here goes:

Ah, Valentine's Day. The time to spend with your true love fulfilling all your romantic desires. Personally, mine include stuff like a can of EZ cheese, a Teddy Ruckspin doll, and a llama. It's one of those "Don't Ask: Don't Tell" deals.

Remember to check back over the weekend. There will be the first great Cloak and Dagger comic. I got some more issues from EBay today, so I can finally get to work on them. And let me know what you think. But remember, no kids allowed. (Or conservative parents for that matter.)

Whew that was a long rant.

Exclesior! (I don't think I spelled that right.)