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Zorro & Ester 39


252 - Well then, I found out from one of the three people that they did get three new people to read the comic. Only 6 more people to go. Next requirement, get 3 more people. Yeah that is it.

I'm trying to go somewhere with the comic, and I'll bet no one sees where it is going. Crap you do? Is it that obvious? Darn. Oh well, try to enjoy it anyway, 'kay? I hope no one is angry about the blatant stereotypical nerd guy, but I needed a character, and hopefully after this I'll never use Mr. Timm Beans again.

In other news, I've been working on Saiuki: Journey West. In fact I am playing it now so this will be short. At first I hated it, thinking it was another tactics game I can't play for the life of me, but I've begun to reconsider. One great thing is that the characters CAN die and come back the next fight, except if the main character dies, well the game ends. Oh well. The other problem is the main character is very very weak. I was angry cause the game got hard real fast and I was worried I couldn't get in random fights, but then I found in the second town there is a delivery store that recruits you to take stuff to the other town. Along the way there is a certain probability you will get in a random fight, with level 6 enemies. Also you get a lot of money for each delivery, and the deliveries never end. So I kept doing them until I was at level 14. You stop getting much experience though, so I decided to move on. But those missions are real fun. So the game is again stopping Xenogears from being beaten. In Xenogears I am about to battle the green guy whatshisname in the tournement. I really like the fighting game you play in it, but now Saiuki distracted me. Darn.