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Zorro & Ester 36


13002 - Alright, sorry for the lack of updates lately. I'll blame it on my scanner that has been acting up lately. Well it is working again, so I am back.

I've been thinking, since the comics are now in color, and I don't want to return to black and white, and the fact that I have nothing to say in these rants, makes me want to put off doing comics more, so I am considering doing only 3 a week instead of 5. This would mean I would put them up every mon, wed, and fri morning, real early, around 2:00 ish. Cause I always seem to put them off until then. If anyone has a problem with me skimping back to 3 comics a week, email me and if you have a GOOD reason, perhaps I'll continue my 5 a week ritual, and make increasingly crappier ones, with bad rants.

Looking back at the last comic, I used a "dirty" word I hear. I would like to explain to the reader that this word, in the context, is not considered a dirty word. (Plus I spelled it wrong on purpose) The word, which I will not repeat, for fear of offending another person, is appropriate for describing the Sega CD, with only one game worth while, Sonic CD. Promise me no one will ever touch it, ever.

I think that is about it for today. I'll update tomorrow, since this week has only had one? update I think. But after that I will switch to the 3 a week instead of 5, unless I start getting some emails. Hah, like that will happen. I've only gotten one email from my last "Email me to let me know you are here." bit. ohwell.