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Zorro & Ester 32


12302 - I've found that one of the funnest mini games in GTA3 is the taxi fare game. It is almost as fun as crazy tazi, plus you can kill the people who pay you after you take them to the place, and get EVEN MORE MONEY!!! That and the mini game where you drive the small car and blow up Diablos cars. That is pure fun.

Today was a worthless day for it was spent doing homework, watching "Sleeping with the Devil" a Lifetime classic, and watching Run Lola Run. That was the highlight of my day. Not that that is a bad thing, for that movie is really good, and I enjoyed it immensly, it is just that now I have to write a paper on it.

Hopefully sometime soon I will have some free time to return to my work on my comic book. I would also like to go back and color all those old comics, for now they just look crappy.

Oh, in other news, I received my first hatemail yesterday. Well, actually I received it a long time ago, but just remembered to check it yesterday. Instead of being nice about getting this hatemail, I feel it would be beneficial to us all if we saw what a hatemail letter is like, so anyone who doesn't know what it is supposed to sound like will now. Here goes.

My grandma can draw better than you! You suck!

Yes that is it. As a friend of mine points out, at least it was grammatically correct. Yes people, that is what a hatemail letter sounds like. And for the fun of it, here was my reply, for I felt that I needed to reply to it.

Thank you very much. Where can I find your grandmother's art then? What gallery is it showing in? Seriously though, if you can't think of anything nice to say to me, ah, what is the saying? Ah yes, "Don't say anything at all." And go watch Bambi again.

I believe that is about it in the ways of Hatemail. I will not print the person's email address, cause THAT would be rude. But I am happy about receiving that hatemail, cause it was from someone I DON'T KNOW. That means people I don't know are reading this, which excites me. Even if they think my art sucks.

Speaking of which, if anyone reads this normally, yeah I don't expect you to read it religiously, but normally, meaning maybe 3 times a week or so, email me. Actually if you read this, email me. It doesn't matter if you read it a year from when I write this, do it anyway. I'm curious about how many people actually read this. If it is more than three, well that succeeded my expectations. Here is my email again, you can also find it on the main page,

Do it now.

This means you.