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Zorro & Ester 16


12601 - Working on a few (15) plays right now so I am quite busy. Perhaps sometime tomorrow or this weekend I'll put up the rough draft of one of them. Umm, My BurgerKing Collection of the Lord of the Rings figures is almost half done. I go once a day to get a new figure. Heh, I'm obsessed. Today's comic (16) was terrible. I can't draw cats of any kind. Basically I'm just putting off comics to make his actual choice happen on monday, and therefore people wait all weekend to find out what he gets. You know what? I think I'm gonna make a place to put these rants, cause I doubt people read them, but I enjoy writing them. Umm, what else. Ahh, yes, people do seem to enjoy guessing what animal he will end up buying. Some say Parrot, some clam, others llama, and so forth. So I'm glad I have those three fans, even though I was the one that guessed llama. heh. Time to end again, I've decided from now on I'll end with a Mitch Hedburg quote: "I hate flossing, I just wish I had one long curvy tooth, it didn't need to be split up. They didn't have to make separations with me. But then if my tooth falls out..."