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Kimikat's Relam of Artistic Disasters!

If I had words to make a day for you...

Stuff!Zeee!Eeek!!!Bubbles! Pretty Flowers! Shiny Ballerinas! Ish Summer!!! Everything you ever wanted to be!


"Breaking up is never easy I know but I have to go""If you change your mind I'm the first in line honey I'm still free take a chance on me"

"So goodbye, I believe that I see no sense...we'd both live a lot longer if you live without can't see the forest for the trees [you've never been out in the woods you can laugh all you want to..]..we travel to the beat of a different drum...I ain't saying you're not pretty, all I'm saying's I'm not ready for any person, place or thing to try to hold the reigns in on"

Judging by the craziness I wrote directly beneath here, I must have the loved the pit that is you about a month ago. I suppose I still do.

I love you I love you I love you I love you I can't think of any other ways to describe the awesomeness that is you...I wanna write a comic, I wanna stay up all night I wanna see you for a brief moment I need you in my life.

I think that every single Fleetwood Mac song describes you. That's why I sent you that snippit of song clips, dear!

"We're coming up with a plane crash!!! aHHHHHHHH!" See? See? I'm obssesive!

Mel: "My whole life I always thought it was, 'for a duck could be somebody's mother! I can't believe it's not! It made so much sense!"

"You gave me your hand I can't understand why you don't want it back..."

I like sandwiches.

Aunt Jel had her baby as well! He is a Michael!

Aunt Sarah had an Alexander!

Yay! Paxton likes my website that is cool, you are cool Paxton! We can discuss Sandman together!

Oooo! Kodomo No Omocha! I am sooo like Sana-chan! I got the first manga and it rocks!!

I am going to see Tom Petty! I am going to have his children! "You say that so often..." What was that Bowie? The rockstars are jealous! Tom Petty is the only rockstar I need in my life besides Stevie Nicks because she is just cooler than everyone else on the face of this planet and she's so very gorgeous. I could never speel that word.

"Why ya gotta go and make things so complicated?"

I love trees!

"My doctor told me there weren't any left--you just never hear of it anymore"

"You'll just have to come there and see"

The Landslide will bring everything that you've wrecked down, so don't even bother not thinking about it again.

"Remember when, remember when, remember when we were all so beautiful"

I have lots of bones in my body I just don't want to share anything else with you so kindly take your hands out of my heart and stop rewiring my cables. I don't need any more bad connections.

Zeee! Everyone should have a great summer and eat lots of cookies and other good things! Get lots of sun and remember, if you are looking at thish right now I probably love you so be satisified and fulfilled with my most likely love!

"I thought that the major was a lady suffergete! Jet!"

"You may be right, I may be crazy but it just might be a lunatic you're looking for"

"I believed in you every day...has anyone ever written anything for you?"

"Quick, someone call the grrrl police and file a report!"

This is my spacesite. Soon I might get my own spaceship. Maybe. Then I will be a space pilot---or maybe not. shMaybe. Je ne sais pas.

I've created a News section and a Links section. If you want me to put up your site, IM me or somefin. Mmmhmm!

I changed the top picture cause the other one was annoying me. I'm not sure if I like it this way or not cause that's a lot of me up there, ya know? I'll have to think about it. If anyone has any comments, feel free to drop me an email.


You will see more sheep scattered hapazardly throughout thish site, sheep are what you really want.

Runaway truck! That truck is going up the runaway truck ramp!!

Catch ya all later!


AIM: xkimikatx
