- Vampire: the Eternal Struggle -
- Card Singles / Collection for Sale -

Contact for Information - xxklawsnpurrsxx@aol.com
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- Magic: the Gathering - Pokemon - Yu-Gi-Oh! -
- Vampire: the Eternal Struggle - Star Wars: Attack of the Clones - HeroClix -

We bought these cards because we were looking for new games to play, wanted to expand our variety.  Unfortunately, we never really took to Vampire: the Eternal Struggle.  We bought these cards off eBay, several booster packs and an entire box of starter decks.  ( info about when it came out, etc ).

Since we buy cards to play and we'd be willing to sell all of these cards as an entire collection or ### cards for $ XX.00. No use keeping cards we don't use. :)

Since we never really played very much,I'm not sure how to describe what the cards can do, but I'll try my best.

I can't guarentee that the cards are unplayed, we did play with them a few times, but they are still in great condition, the ones that were played showing little to no signs of it.

The cards will be listed alhpabetically.

I also have several rule books that came with the starter decks, so if you need one I'll sell them for $ XX.00, or if you buy more then 50 cards I'll give it to you, if you request if. If you buy the cards as an entire collection I'll give you all the rule books along with the cards.

If you know of the card(s) you want, hit Ctrl + F ( hold down the Ctrl button and tap F ) to open a search box for this page. If there are no results, that means we don't have that particular card.

Be sure to have a pen and paper with you to write down the names of any cards you may be interested in!

Vampire: the Eternal Struggle

.44 Magnum - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is an card costs to play.  It reads:
     "Weapon, Gun.  
2R each strike, with an optional maneuver each combat."

Acrobatics - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that costs and requires the Descipline .  It reads:
Additional Strike.  Strike: dodge, with an additional strike."

Aid from Bats - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires the Descipline .  It reads:
Strike: 1R, with an optional maneuver.  As above, with an optional press."

Aleph - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character Card for the Malkavian with the Desciplines and and a Blood Capacity of .

Amaranth - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
     "Diablerize an opposting vampires instead of sending that vampire into torpor.  Not usable by a vampire going into torpor."

Anarch Revolt - $ XX.00
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Put this card in play.  Each Methuselah burns 1 pool during his or her untap phase.  Any vampire can burn this card with a successful vote; calling this vote is a +1 stealth action."

Anastasia Grey - $ XX.00
     This is a Character card for the Gangrel with the Desciplines and , and a Blood Capacity of .

Ancient Influence - Four Available - $ XX.00
     This is a card that reads:
     "Political Card - Worth 1 Vote  Called by any vampire at +1 stealth  
Successful vote means each Methuselah may choose a ready vampire he or she controls.  Each Methuselah gains an amount of pool from the blood bank equal to his or her vempire's capacity.  Each Methuselah also burns 5 pool.  Only one Ancient Influence can by played in a game."

Ancilla Empowerment - Six Available - $ XX.00
     This is a card that reads:
     "Political Card - Worth 1 Vote  Called by any vampire at +1 stealth  
Successful vote means each Methuselah burns 1 pool for each minion he or she controls."

Andreas, the Bard of Crete - $ XX.00
     This is a Character card for the Toreador with the Desciplines , , , , , and a Blood Capacity of .  His card reads:
Once each turn, Andreas may burn 1 pool to get +1 intercept."

Angel - $ XX.00
     This is a Character card for the Brujah with the Descipline , and a Blood Capacity of .

Animalism - Six Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Master: Descipline  
Put this card on a vampire.  This vampire has Animalism .  If the vampire already had Animalism, he or she now has superior Animalism.  Capacity increases by 1: the vampire is one generation older.  Cannot be played on a vampire with Superior Animalism."

Archon Investigation - Three Available - $ XX.00
     This is a Master card that costs and reads:
     "Master: out-of-turn  
Only usable when a minion attempts to bleed you for more than 3 pool.  The action is not successful.  Burn the acting minion.  This is not considered an act of diablerie."

Arson - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is an card that reads:
     "Do not replace until after combat.  
Burn a location."

Army of Rats - Two Available - $ XX.00
     This is an card that requires and reads:
     "+1 stealth action  
Put this card in play.  During your untap phase, your prey burns 1 pool.  You may only burn 1 pool each turn with Army of Rats cards.  As a action, any minion can burn an Army of Rats."

Ascendance - Five Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Gain 1 pool."

Astrid Thomas - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Tremere that has , , , , and a Blood Capacity of .  Her card reads:
If Astrid votes, any Tremere who choose to vote then vote with her."

Asylum Hunting Ground - Six Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card for the Malkavian that reads:
     "Master: unique location  
During your untap phase, a ready vampire you control gains 1 blood from the blood bank.  A vampire can only gain 1 blood from Hunting Ground cards each turn."

Aura Reading - $ XX.00
     This is a card that requires and reads:
Only usable before range is chosen.  Opponent plays with an open hand for the remainder of combat.  Your hand size is nine cards for the remainder of this combat.  Discard back to your maximum hand size at the end of combat."

Auspex - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Master: Discipline  
Put this card on a vampire.  This vampire has Auspex.   If the vampire already had Auspex he or she now has superior Auspex.  Capacity increases by 1: the vampire is now one generation older.  Cannot be played on a vampire with superior Auspex."

Autarkis Persecution - Three Available - $ XX.00 each      This is a card that reads:
     "Political Card - Worth 1 vote  Called by any vampire at +1 stealth  Successful vote means each Methuselah gains 1 pool for each minion he or she controls."

Backways - $ XX.00
     This is a Master card for the Gangrel that costs , and reads:
     "Master: unique location  
Tap to give a Gangrel you control +1 stealth."

The Barrens - Seven Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Master: unique location  
Tap to discard a card from your hand."

Bewitching Oration - Six Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is an card that requires , and reads:
Only usable during a potential action.  This vampire gains 2 votes.  As above, but this vampire gains 4 votes."

Black Cat - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Brujah, that has , , and , with a Blood Capacity .  Her card reads:
     "Equipping Black Cat costs 1 less pool (but never less than 0 pool)."

Blood Bond - $ XX.OO
     This is an card that costs and reads:
     "+1 stealth action  
If this action is successful, choose a vampire.  That vampire cannot block the acting vampire for the remainder of the game."

Blood Pet - Six Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Put this card on a vampire you control.  During his or her master phase, the Methuselah controlling the vampire with this card may move 1 blood from the vampire to his or her blood pool or from his her blood pool to the vampire."

Blood Fury - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is card requires and costs .  It reads:
Strike: 2 damage, only usable at close range.  This damage cannot be prevented by cards that require Fortitude.  If the opposing vampire attempts to strike with a weapon this round, he or she does no damage.  As above, but for 3 damage."

Blood Hunt - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is an card that reads:
     "Requires ready Prince or Justicar.  +1 stealth action  
Put this card on a vampire who is not a Prince or a Justicar.  Any vampire may enter combat with this vampire as a +1 stealth action."

Blood Rage - Six Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and reads:
Strike: 1 damage, only usable at close range.  This damage cannot be prevented by cards that require Fortitude.  If the opposing vampire attempts to strike with a weapon this round, he or she does no damage.  As above, but for 2 damage."

Blur - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and costs , that reads:
Additional strike.  Two additional strikes."

Bianca - $ XX.00
     This is a Character card for the Brujah that has , , , and a Blood Capacity of . She reads:
     "+1 hand damage."

Bonding - Three Availble - $ XX.00
     This is an that requires and reads:
After playing this card, you cannot play another action modifier to further increase the bleed for this action.  +1 bleed  +1 stealth and +1 bleed"

Boxed In - Six Available - $ XX.00 each
     This a card that reads:
     "Do not replace until after combat.  

Brainwash - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
Put this card on an uncontrolled vampire of your prey.  No more transfers can be made to that vampire.  Any minion may burn this card as a +1 stealth action."

Bribes - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a that reads:
     "Only usable during a political action before any votes are cast.  Gain 1 pool.  Each player voting in your favor gains 1 pool from the blood bank as well.  A player who has cast at least 1 vote for you without casting any votes against you has "voted in your favor".

Bum's Rush - Five Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is an card that reads:
     "Do not replace until after combat.   Enter combat with a minion controlled by another Methuselah.  Acting Minion gets an optional maneuver only usable during this combat."

Camarilla Exemplary - Five Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
     "Political Card - Worth 1 Vote  Called by any vampire at +1 stealth  
Choose a controlled vampire.  Successful vote means that for the remaineder of the game, any vampire attempting to block that vampire burns 1 blood."

Canine Horde - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and reads:
Strike: 1R  Strike: ranged; destroy equipment with First Strike"

Cardano - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Tremere that has , , , , , , and Blood Capacity .  His card reads:
     "Prince of Boston"

Cassandra, Magus Prime - Seven Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Tremere with , , , , , and Blood Capacity .  Her card reads:
If Cassandra is ready, your hand size is one card larger.  +1 hand damage"

Cats' Guidance - Six Available - $ XX.00
     This is a card that requires and reads:
Only usable immediately after this vampire blocks.  Untap this reacting vampire.  This reacting vampire gets +1 intercept."

Cauldron of Blood - Six Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires , and cost to play and reads:
Strike: 3 damage.  Not usable first round.  Strike: 5 damage.  Not usable first round."

Celerity - Six Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Master: Discpline
  Put this card on a vampire.  This vampire has Celerity.   If the vampire already had Celerity, he or she now has superior Celerity.  Capacity icreases by 1: the vampire is one generation older.  Cannot be played on a vampire with superior Celerity."

Change of Target - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is an that reads:
     "Only usable when this acting minion is blocked. Untap the acting and blocking minions and cancel the current action and combat.  If you do a second action with this minion this turn, it cannot be the same action."

Chantry - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card for the Tremere that reads:
     "Master: unique location  
During your master phase, tap and burn 1 pool or 1 blood from any ready Tremere you control to move any Tremere from Torpor to his or her controller's active region."

Claws of the Dead - Six Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and costs to play, and reads:
For the remainder of this round, this vampire's hand damage is aggravated.  Maneuver"

Cloak the Gathering - Eight Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is an card that requires and reads:
+1 stealth  A second vampire may play this card to give +1 stealth to the acting minion.  The acting minion does not need Obfuscate.  Do not tap the second vampire."

Computer Hacking - Seven Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is an card that reads:
     " Bleed at +1 bleed."

Conditioning - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is an card that requires and costs to play, and reads:
After playing this card, you cannot play another action modifier to further increase the bleed for this action.  +2 bleed  +3 bleed"

Consanguineous Boon - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a that reads:
     "Political Card - Worth 1 Vote  Called by any vampire at +1 stealth  
Choose a clan.  Successful vote means each Methuselah gains 1 pool for each member of that clan he or she controls."

Consanguineous Condemnation - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
     "Political Card - Worth 1 Vote  Called by any vampire at +1 vote  Choose a clan.  Successful vote taps all vampires of that clan."

Conservative Agitation - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a that reads:
     "Political Card - Worth 1 Vote  Called by any vampire at +1 stealth  
Allocate X points between two or more Methuselahs ( where X is the number of Methulelahs in the game ).  Successful vote means each Methuselah burns 1 pool for each point assigned."

Courtland Leighton - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Ventrue that has , , , and a Blood Capacity of .

Cryptic Mission - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is an card that requires and reads:
     "+1 stealth action   Remove 1 blood from a vampire, or inflict 1 damage to any ally or retainer.  This damage cannot by prevented.   As above, and the acting vampire gains 1 blood."

Cryptic Rider - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is an card that costs to play and reads:
     "Any vampire  
Only usable after a successful vote.  The next vote you successfully call this turn passes automatically."

Cultivated Blood Shortage - $ XX.00
     This is a Master card that reads:
If this card is in play, each controlled Ventrue burns 1 blood during his or her controller's uptap phase.  If a Ventrue does not have 1 blood to burn, tap that vampire at the end of the untap phase.  Any vampire can burn this card as a +1 stealth action."

Dancin' Dana - $ XX.00
     This is a Character card for the Malkavian that has , , , and a Blood Capacity of      "+1 hand damage"

Dead-End Alley - Five Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
     "Press, only usable to continue combat."

Deal with the Devil - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
Discard your hand and draw a new one.  Do not replace this card before you discard your hand."

Deer Rifle - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that costs and reads:
     "Weapon, Gun  
1R each strike, with two optional maneuvers each combat"

Deflection - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and costs to play and reads:
Only usable during a bleed.  Tap this reacting vampire.  Choose a Methuselah other than the one controlling the minion bleeding you.  The acting minion is now attempting to bleed that Methuselah.  As above, but do not tap this vampire."

Delaying Tactics - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
     "Any vampire  
Only usable during a political action.  The political action is canceled.  Untap the acting vampire.  The controller of the acting minion takes the political card ( if any ) back into his or her hand, and his or her minions cannot take the same political action this turn."

Deliah Easton - $ XX.00
     This is a Character card for the Toreador that has and Blood Capacity of .

Demetrious Slater - $ XX.00
     This is a Character card for the Toreador that has , , and has a Blood Capacity of .

Democritus - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Ventrue that has , , , , and has a Blood Capacity of , and reads:
     "Ventrue Justicar:  If Democritus is ready, any Methuselah contesting card(s) with you burns 1 extra pool to avoid yeilding each card.  +1 bleed"

Didi Meyers - Three Available - $ XX.00
     This is a Character card for the Malkavian that has , , , and a Blood Capacity of .

Dimple - $ XX.00
     This is a Character card for the Nosferatu that has and has a Blood Capacity of .

Disarming Presence - $ XX.00
     This is a that requires and reads:
     "Only usable during a political action before any votes are cast.  Tap any vampires who cast votes.  As above, but do not tap your vampires when they cast their votes."

Disguised Weapon - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a that requires and reads:
     "Only usable before range is chosen.  Equip this vampire with a weapon card from your hand ( and pay cost to equip ).  As above, but usable when choosing a strike."

Disputed Territory - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
     "Political Card - Worth 1 Vote  Called by any vampire at +1 stealth  
Choose a location and a Methuselah.  Successful vote means the chosen Methuselah takes control of the chosen location."

Dodge - Six Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
     "Do not replace until after combat.  
Strike: dodge"

Dollface - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Malkavian that has and , and a Blood Capacity of .

Domain Challenge - Five Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
     "Political Card - Worth 1 Vote  Called by any vampire at +1 stealth  
Successful vote means each Methuselah burns 1 pool for each tapped minion he or she controls."

Dominate - Seven Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Master: Discipline  
Put this card on a vampire.  This vampire has Dominate.   If the vampire already had Dominate, he or she now has superior Dominate.  Capacity increases by 1: the vampire is one generation older.  Cannot be played on a vampire with superior Dominate."

Dr. Jest - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Malkavian that has , , , , and a Blood Capacity of . His card reads:
If Dr. Jest is untapped at the start of your turn, you may pick one card at random from your prey's hand and discard it."

Dr. John Casey - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Tremere that has and , and a Blood Capacity of .

Dragon's Breath Rounds - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
     "Only usable when damage from a gun is being resolved.  Minion inflicts +2 aggravated damage with this strike.  Burn the gun after this card is used.  This is an ammo card.  No more than one ammo card can be used on a gun each combat."

Dramatic Upheaval - $ XX.00
     This is a card that reads:
     "Political Card - Worth 1 Vote  Called by any vampire at +1 stealth  Choose a Methuselah.  Successful vote means you switch places with that Methuselah."

Drawing Out the Beast - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and reads:      "
Only usable before range is determined on the first round.  During this combat, opposing vampire get +1 hand damage, but he or she can only use maneuvers to cancel maneuvers, can only use presses to continue combat, and cannot use equipment.  As above, and opposing vampire takes 1 damage after each round.  This damage cannot be prevented."

Dre, Leader of the Cold Dawn - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Brujah that has and and a Blood Capacity of .

Dread Gaze - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and reads:
Only usable during a political action.  This reacting vampire gains 2 votes.  As above, but this vampire gains 4 votes."

Duck - $ XX.00
     This is a Character card for the Nosferatu that has and and a Blood Capacity of .

Earth Control - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and costs to play, and reads:
+1 stealth  +2 stealth"

Earth Meld - Five Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and reads:
Strike: combat ends  As above, and untap this vampire."

Effective Management - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Move the next vampire in your crypt to your inactive region."

Elder Intervention - Six Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that costs to play, and reads:
     "Do not replace until after combat.  
Only usable after a bleed is declared against you.  This reacting vampire gets +2 intercept."

Elder Kindred Network - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card for the Ventrue that reads:
     "Only usable during a political action before any votes are cast.  This card has no effect if the vote is succeeds.  If the vote fails, the Methuselah calling the vote burns 1 pool in the case of a tie and 1 extra pool for each vote difference."

Elder Library - Seven Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that costs to play and reads:
     "Master: unique location  
If you control the Elder Library, your hand size is one card larger."

Elysium: The Arboretum - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Master: unique location  
Only usable before range is determined  Tap to end a combat involvting a vampire you control.  Any vampire can burn this card with a successful vote; calling this vote is a +1 stealth action."

Enchant Kindred - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and reads:
     " Bleed with +1 bleed.  
A younger, uncontrolled vampire gains 2 blood."

Enhanced Senses - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and reads:
This reacting vampire gets +1 intercept.  This reacting vampire gets +2 intercept."

Faceless Night - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     this is a card that requires and reads:
+1 stealth  +1 stealth, and tap any vampire that attempts to block this action regardless of whether the block is successful."

Fake Out - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
     "Do not replace until after combat.  Maneuver"

Fame - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Unique Master card that reads:
     "Put this card on a ready vampire.  If he or she goes into torpor, the prey of the vampire's controller burns 3 pool.  Each Methuselah burns 1 pool during his or her untap phase if this vampire in torpor."

Fast Reaction - Five Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a that requires and reads:
Only usable after a blocking minion you control other than this vampire has just completed combat.  Tap this vmapire.  This vampire now enters combat with the opposing minion.  The first round of this new combat, the opposing minion cannot use any strike.  As above, with an optional press."

Felicia Mostrom - $ XX.00
     This is a Character card for the Toreador that has , , and a Blood Capacity of .

Flak Jacket - Six Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that costs to play and reads:
     "Flak Jacket prevents 1 damage each combat to the minion with this equipment."

Flash - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and reads:
Maneuver or press.  Maneuver, with an optional press; only usable when choosing range"

The Fifth Tradition: Hospitality - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that costs to play and reads:      "Requires ready Prince or Justicat.  +1 stealth action  
Choose a controlled vampire.  That vampire gains enough blood from the blood bank to reach full capacity."

Form of the Ghost - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and reads:
     "Maneuver  Press"

Form of Mist - $ XX.00
     This is a card that requires and reads:
Strike: dodge  Strike: combat ends.  This vampire can continue his or her action at +1 stealth and if unblocked.  This action can still be blocked."

Fortitude - Eight Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Master: Discipline  
Put this card on a vampire.  This vampire has Fortitude.   If the vampire already had Fortitude, he or she onw has superior Fortitude.  Capacity increases by 1: the vampire is one generation older.  Cannot be played on a vampire with superior Fortitude."

The Fourth Tradition: The Accounting - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that costs to play and reads:
     "Requires ready Prince or Justicar.  +1 stealth action  Move up to 3 blood from the blood bank to a younger, uncontrolled vampire."

Frenzy - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Master: out-of-turn  
Only usable before range is chosen in a round of combat.  Choose a vampire in combat.  In this combat round, that vampire cannot use equiptment and cannot use presses to end combat.  This round has a press, only usable to continue combat."

Game of Malkav - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card for the Malkavian that reads:      "Each Methuselah holds a hand out with between 1 and 5 pool in it.  In your hand, you can hold between 1 and 6 pool.  Open hands simultaneously.  Each Methuselah gains the amount of pool revealed unless another Methuselah chose exactly one less than he or she did, in which cast, it is the amount of pool he or she burns."

Gideon Fontaine - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Ventrue that has and a Blood Capacity of .

Gilbert Duane - Five Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Malkavian that has , , , and a Blood Capacity of , and reads:
     "Prince of Miami"

Gird Minions - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Move as much blood as you want from your blood pool to one or more of the vampires you control."

Glaser Rounds - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
     "Only usable when damage from a gun is being resolved.  Minion inflicts +2 damage each strike for the remainder of this combat.  Not usable for the first strike in this combat.  This is an ammo card.  No more than one ammo card can be used on a gun card each combat."

Gleam of Red Eyes - Five Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a that requires and reads:
Press  Maneuver"

Govern the Unaligned - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and costs to play, and reads:
Bleed with +2 bleed.  A younger, uncontrolled vampire gains 3 blood.  This action is at +1 stealth."

Graverobbing - $ XX.00
     This is a card that requires and reads:
Move a vampire from any Methuselah's torpor area to your own torpor area.  You now control that vampire.   As above, and the acting vampire may burn 2 blood to move the vampire into your controlled region."

Grendel the Worm-Eaten - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Nosferatu that has , , and a Blood Capacity of , and reads:
     "If Grendel is ready, you may look at the next card in your crypt."

Growing Fury - Two Available - $ XX.00
     This is a card that requires and reads:
Strike: use your hand or melee weapon at +2 damage.  Not usable first round of combat.  Strike: use your hand or melee weapon at +3 damage.  Not useable first round of combat."

Gypsies - $ XX.00
     This is a card for the Gangrel that costs and reads:
     "Unique Ally with 1 life.  1 hand damage, 1 bleed.  
Gypsies get +1 stealth on each of their actions."

Hasine Kesi - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a character card for the Caitiff that has and a Blood Capacity of , and reads:
     "Burn 1 pool each time Hasina goes into torpor."

Haven Uncovered - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Put this card on any ready vampire.  Any minion may enter combat with that vampire as a +1 stealth action.  That vampire can burn this card as a +1 stealth action."

Hawg - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
Minion with this vehicle gets one optional press each round.  A minion may have only one vehicle."

Heather Florent, The Opportunist - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Ventrue that has , , and a Blood Capacity of , and reads:
     "If you gain blood from the Edge, you may move it to Heather ( instead of putting it in your pool )."

Helena Casimir - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Ventrue that has , , , and a Blood Capacity of , and reads:
+1 bleed"

Hidden Lurker - Eight Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and reads:
Only usable after another minion you control has just completed combat.  The acting vampire now enters combat with the blocking minion.  The first round of this combat, the opposing minion cannot use any strikes.  As above, with an optional press."

Ignatius - Five Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Tremere that has , , and a Blood Capacity of .

Igo the Hungry - Five Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Caitiff that has , and a Blood Capacity of , and reads:
     "Igo does not get the usual +1 stealth for hunting."

Illegal Search and Seizure - Nine Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "You may burn one weapon that costs more than 2 pool or inflicts more than 3 damage.  The bearer of the weapon takes 1 damage.  This damage cannot be prevented."

Indomitability - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and reads:
Prevent 1 damage.  Press, or prevent 1 damage with an optional press."

Information Highway - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Master: unique location.  
The Methuselah with this card gets two extra transfers during his or her influence phase."

Jazz Wentworth - Five Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Ventrue that has , , , and a Blood Capacity of , ad reas:
     "If the Edge is not controlled, Jazz may get it for you as a +1 stealth action."

Jing Wei - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Tremere that has , and a Blood Capacity of .

Justicar Retribution - Five Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
     "Political Card - Worth 1 Vote  Called by any vampire at +1 stealth.  
Successful vote burns all vampires with a current bleed of 3 or more."

Justine, Elder of Dallas - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Tremere that has , , , and a Blood Capacity of , and reads:
     "Primogen:  Justine does not tap when blocking actions of a vampire with a capacity below 4."

Kindred Restructure - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
     "Political Card - Worth 1 Vote  Called by any Prince or Justicar at +1 stealth  
Choose a new seating order.  Successful vote means each Methuselah takes his or her new seat."

Kindred Segregation - Six Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
     "Political Card - Worth 1 Vote  Called by any vampire at +1 stealth  
Successful vote means that all allies are burned.  Any Methuselah can keep an ally or allies he or she controls by repaying the pool to put each ally into play."

Kine Resourses Contested - Six Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
     "Political Card - Worth 1 Vote  Called by any vampire at +1 stealth  
Allocate 4 points between two or more Methuselahs.  Successful vote means each Methuselah butns 1 pool for each point assigned."

KRCG News Radio - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that costs to play and reads:
     "Master: unique location  
Tap to give +1 intercept to a minion you control, or tap and burn 1 pool to give +1 intercept to a minion another Methuselah controls."

The Labyrinth - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card for the Nosferatu that costs to play and reads:
     "Master: unique location  
Tap to give a Nosferatu you control +1 stealth."

Laptop Computer - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that costs to play and reads:
     "Minion with this equipment gets +1 bleed on each bleed action.  Minion may have only one Laptop Computer."

Lazarus - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Tremere that has , , , , and a Blood Capacity of , and reads:
Lazarus may inflict 1R damage as a strike."

Legal Manipulation - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and costs to play, and reads:
Bleed with +2 bleed.   As above, and gain 1 pool if bleed is successful."

Letter from Vienna - $ XX.00
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Tap all ready Tremere."

Lextalionis - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
     "Political Card - Worth 1 Vote  Called by any vampire at +1 stealth  
Choose a Methuselah who has received a vitory point since your last turn.  Successful vote means the Methuselah must immediately tap all of his or her minions; the minios do not untap during the Methuselah's next untap phase."

Life Boon - Six Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Master: out-of-turn  Give pool to a Methuselah with no pool to keep him or her in the game; put this card in play.  During each of his or her untap phases, you can collect 1 pool from that Methuselah.  The first victory point ( and ante ) that the Methuselah wins is given to you ( even if you are ousted by then ).  This Life Boon is then burned."

Lost in Crowds - Five Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and reads:
     "+1 stealth  +2 stealth"

Luccia Paciola - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Ventrue that has , , and a Blood Capacity of , and reads:
     "+1 hand damage"

Lucian - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Malkavian that has , , , , and a Blood Capacity of , and reads:
     "Malkavian Justicar:  
Lucian may steal equipment as a strike."

Lucretia, Cess Queen - $ XX.00
     This is a Character card for the Nosferatu that has , , , , , and a Blood Capacity of , and reads:
Lucretia gets +1 stealth on each of her actions."

Lupo - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Brujah that has and a Blood Capacity of .

Lucky Blow - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that reads:
     "Do not replace until after combat.  
Strike: use your hand or melee weapons at +1 damage."

Lydia Van Cuelen - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Tremere that has , , , and a Blood Capacity of , and reads:
     "+1 bleed"

Mejesty - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is card that requires and reads:
Strike: combat ends  As above, and this vampire may burn 1 blood to untap."

Malkavian Dementia - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card for the Malkavian that reads:
     "Take control of a ready Malkavian that another Methuselah controls until your next untap phase."

Mariel, Lady Thunder - Four Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Malkavian that has , , , and a Blood Capacity of , and reads:
     "Before range is chosen, tap Mariel to end any combat that does not involve her.  This inflicts 1 damage to each minion and retainer in the combat."

Masquerade Endangered - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Master: out-of-turn  
Only usable when a vampire hunts.  Put this card on that vampire.  That vampire does not gain blood from hunting this turn.  During that vampire's next untap phase, burn this card instead of untapping the vampire."

Melissa Barton - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Ventrue that has , , , and a Blood Capacity of , and reads:
     "If a Methuselah forfeits the Edge for a vote, Melissa gains 1 blood."

Merrill Molitor - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Character card for the Tremere that has , , and a Blood Capacity of , and reads:
     "Once each combat, Merrill may change 1 damage from aggravated to normal."

Metro Underground - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Master: unique location  
Tap and burn 1 pool to untap one vampire you control at the end of your turn."

Mighty Grapple - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and reads:
Press, only usable to continue combat.  Strike: use your hand or melee weapon at +1 damage, with an optional press only usable ti continue combat."

Minion Tap - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Move as much blood as you want from one of the vampires you control to your blood pool."

Minor Boon - Five Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Master: out-of-turn  
Prevent a vampire controlled by another Methuselah from going into torpor.  Put this card on the vampire; the vampire remains in the active region.  In return, that vampire cannot bleed you until it rescues a vampire you control from torpor.  This Minor Boon is then burned."

Misdirection - Five Available - $ XX.00
     This is a Master card costs and reads:
     "Tap X minions."

Mob Connections - Three Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a Master card that reads:
     "Unique Master  
Tap to give a press, only usable to continue combat to a minion you control.  Any minion may take a action to burn this card."

Movement of the Mind - Two Available - $ XX.00 each
     This is a card that requires and reads:
Press, only usable to end combat.  Maneuver."

Manstopper Rounds - $ XX.00
     This is a card that reads:
     "Only usable when damage from a gun is being resolved.  Minion inflicts +1 damage each strike for the remainder of this combat.  This is an ammo card.  No more than one ammo card can be used on a gun each combat."