Purchasing/Shipping Information & Terms

Contact for Information: xxklawsnpurrsxx@aol.com
Please read this page in full before e-mailing me with questions

- Magic: the Gathering - Pokemon - Yu-Gi-Oh! -
- Vampire: the Eternal Struggle - Star Wars: Attack of the Clones - HeroClix -

What to do if you decide you want a card
     The pages will be updated regularly, but don't always assume it's current.
     If I have a card listed that you want, here's what you do:
     Use the following link to jump to a form page where you can "send" me your order: ( link ). I've made it as simple as possible.
     Pretty easy, huh? :)

How much are the cards?
     If you looked at the lists of cards I made you'll notice that the prices are right there. If you are buying any Commons the price will be 25 cents each and UnCommons will be ( cost ) each. Commons and Uncommons will be mail in plastic baggies ( jewelry size ) in clusters of 10 per bag.
     These are non-negotiable. We think the prices are fair, and if you look at a price guide I'm sure you'll agree.
     There will be only one additional charge: The shipping fee.

How much will shipping run?
     The shipping fees will vary from each order, but it always follows these rules:
     For each initial order shipping will be two dollars ( $ 2.00 ). If you think this seems pricey, just remember that I have to purchase a padded envelope ( 69 cents ) and top loaders ( I tack on 25 cents for that ), plus I have to pay the actual shipping costs from that fee ( usually around 50 cents for first class mail ), so that all comes to $ 1.44 for a single card mailed in the U.S. That leaves 56 cents in case the shipping costs more and covers the other supplies I use like printed labels and tape.
     If you are buying more than one card I'll have to reconfigure the cost, as different cards add different prices. If you're buying more than one card that needs to be put in a top loader that'll add 25 cents per card to the cost. Commons and UnCommons don't really add much, but for each group of ten cards I add another 25 cents to the price.
     Shipping to Canada will slightly raise the cost.
     The insurance fee is optional. I used to insist on it, but I realize some people don't care much for it. By paying the additional charge you are guaranteed to get your money back if the item is lost in the mail. If you want it I'll provide it at a cost of $ 1.30 per 50 dollars value of the package.
     There are also other methods of shipping that will cost more, like Priority Mail or Confirmed Delivery. If you want these you'll have to let me know so I can adjust the costs as needed.
     I really suggest using the plain first class mail, I've never had any problems with it, usually receive my packages in less then a week from the date shipped. Priority Mail is really only good if you need the cards immediately. The insurance option is completely up to you. I'm still trying to figure out how it works myself but if it makes you feel better I have no problem with it.
     Unfortunately, at this time we will only be shipping within the U.S. and Canada, no international buyers,

How do you pay for the cards?
     That information will be sent to you privately if you buy a card or figure. I don't want to publicly post my address, I'm sure you understand. :)
     At this time we can accept
only United States Postal Service Money Orders ( in the case of Canadian order we will accept a Western Union money order, but
only on Canadian orders ). No checks, no credit card payments, no PayPal. I've had problems with this in the past, so I must insist that if you send another type of payment, it will be returned to you at your cost. I don't have a checking account or a credit card so I can't deal with those forms of payment.
do not recommend sending cash, but if you do it's your responsibility to secure it well ( hide it in with papers, tape down all edges of the envelope ) and at your own risk.
     If you decide to buy any cards, all the information you need will be sent to you, as stated above.

How do you know your cards are safe?
     When we ship cards, we take them out of the plastic sheet and place them in a plastic sleeve then a top loader. That's the only time we will handle it. The top loader is then put into a padded envelope and mailed to you.
     In the case of
HeroClix, they will be mailed in a small brown shipping box, cushioned with tissue paper. They won't come in the little plastic houses they occupy in their boxes unless noted on that page.
     Each envelope/box will be thoroughly sealed with tape, including address labels, to prevent tampering.
     Trust me, I've received some purchased cards that were just loose in a plain white envelope and we believe our method is desirable.

Who can purchase our cards?
     If you can buy a money order you can purchase our cards.
     I don't know what the rules are about buying money orders, I never tried when I was younger. If you are unable to purchase a money order you will need to ask your parent or guardian's permission before attempting to buy cards from us. They will have to purchase the money order for you and sign it. We don't mind this type of transaction as long as your parent/guardian is in agreement to it. If this will be the case you will need to let us know ahead of time via e-mail.

Still have need more information?
     If you have a question about a card that was not addressed on any of the pages throughout this website and you need to e-mail me, please be sure and title the e-mail something like "Question About Your Magic Cards", just a title that I won't delete as spam ( I get a lot ).
     If you do contact me with questions please be sure to include the
full name of the card, what type of card it is ( Magic, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, etc ) and any other relevant information that will make it easier for me to find it, such as what color/type it is. My cards are organized by color/type and then alphabetized, so that information would be much appreciated. :)
     Also if you contact me please be sure to write your e-mail address in the e-mail just so I'll be sure and have it and can reply correctly. Also it would be nice if you signed your name, just so our correspondences are a little nicer. :)
     One more thing.
Please don't e-mail me and ask "Do you have such-and-such card?" I made lists for a reason. If I don't have it, I won't list it, and it's cumbersome to read and reply to all the questions like that. The only exception to this rule is if it's a Common or UnCommon card you're after. I tend to not list them, so I might have what you want floating around, but be sure to check out the web pages first.

Just a few quick reminders
     We do not ship outside the U.S. and Canada.
     Payment must be made with a United States Postal Service money order.
     We do not trade or buy cards.
     Prices are non-negotiable.
     Happy Gaming :)