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This is a database of the factories available from the Boron. There are 3 common factories and 4 basic factories that are available at all Boron Shipyards. In addition, there are High-Tech factories, Shield factories, Laser factories and Missile factories that are available at specific Shipyards. Boron Shipyards are located at Kingdom End, Lucky Planets and Ocean of Fantasy (see Maps).

Note: The Boron factories tend to have the lowest profit potential of all the races factories. Therefore, it is advisable to buy factories that are only available from the Boron. This includes the Basic factories and the 125MW Shield Factory.

Common Factories

There are three factories that are available from all races. The Solar Power Plant, the Ore Mine, and the Silicon Mine. The factories from each of the races are the same, but there is a difference in the initial cost. However, they all require the same resources.

Solar Power Plant

Class: Energy
Factory Symbol: E

The Solar Power Plant (SPP) produces Energy Cells (EC) which are used by all other factories in the X Universe. There are more of these factories than any other type. It is very difficult to make a profit with an SPP since the NPC factories don't have to worry about making a profit. To break even, you must buy Crystals at the minimum price and sell EC at 11 cr. each. The NPC factories sell them as low as 6 cr. each. The only time I build an SPP is to support my other factories that are running into a shortage of cheap EC. Solar Power Plants are available at all Shipyards. Purchase Price
342,368 Cr.
Product Energy Cell
Minimum Selling Price 6 Cr.
Average Selling Price 16 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 26 Cr.
Break Even Price (If Crystals purchased at Minimum Price) 11 Cr.

Minimum Profit Potential - 4.3 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 5.7 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 15.7 Cr.

Product Capacity 4968 Units
Resource Needed Crystals
Minimum Resource Cost 1420 Cr.
Average Resource Cost 1684 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost 1940 Cr.
Resource Capacity 333 units
Production 1 Crystal produces 138 Energy Cells
Average Production Time
(Varies) System with 1 Sun: 00:01:30
System with 2 Suns: 00:01:10
System with 4 Suns: 00:00:51
System with 6 Suns: 00:00:45
Ore Mine

Class: Mine I
Factory Symbol: M with 1 dot

Ore produced from an Ore Mine is used by many different factories including Shield Production Facilities, Laser Forges, Weapon Component Factories, Lasertower Factories, and others. Production varies according to the yield of the asteroid. The higher the yield, the shorter the production time. Ore Mines are available at all Shipyards. Purchase Price
422,004 Cr.
Product Ore
Minimum Selling Price 87 Cr. (NPC = 89 Cr.)
Average Selling Price 124 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 159 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 51 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 88 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 123 Cr.

Product Capacity 833 Units
Resource Needed Energy Cells
Minimum Resource Cost 6 Cr.
Average Resource Cost 16 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost 26 Cr.
Resource Capacity 5000 units
Production 6 EC produces 1 unit of Ore
Production Time Varies according to Yield
Silicon Mine

Class: Mine II
Factory Symbol: M with 2 dots

The Silicon Mine produces Silicon Wafers which are used by Crystal Fabs, Chip Plants, Computer Plants, Drone Factories, and many others. It is a very sought-after product. Even selling wafers at the minimum price, you make incredible profit. Silicon Mines are available at all Shipyards. Purchase Price
357,080 Cr.
Product Silicon Wafer
Minimum Selling Price 414 Cr.
Average Selling Price 504 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 594 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 270 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 360 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 450 Cr.

Product Capacity 208 Units
Resource Needed Energy Cells
Minimum Resource Cost 6 Cr.
Average Resource Cost 16 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost 26 Cr.
Resource Capacity 5000 units
Production 24 EC produces 1 Silicon Wafer
Production Time Varies according to Yield

Basic Factories

The Boron have four basic factories that are available at all Boron Shipyards. These factories are Nature Farms and Food Factories which generally supply other factories with needed resources.

BioGas Factory

Class: Nature Farm II
Factory Symbol: N with 2 dots

BioGas factories produce BoGas which is used by several factories in the X Universe Including BoFu Chemical Labs, Some Wheat Farms, Soy Farms and Flower Farms. Player owned BoGas factories only need Energy Cells to operate. Purchase Price 941,396 Cr.
Product BoGas
Minimum Selling Price 329 Cr.
Average Selling Price 376 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 424 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 221 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 268 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 316 Cr.

Product Capacity 277 Units
Resources Needed Energy Cells
Minimum Resource Cost 6 Cr.
Average Resource Cost 16 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost 26 Cr.
Resource Capacity 5000 units
Production 18 EC produce 1 unit of BoGas
Production Time 00:01:12
BoFu Chemical Lab

Class: Food Factory II
Factory Symbol: F with 2 dots

BoFu is the main foodstuff for the Boron Race. I haven't found any other race using it for any purpose. About the only reason a player would need to buy a BoFu factory would be to support another factory purchased from the Boron. Purchase Price 973,856 Cr.
Product BoFu
Minimum Selling Price 260 Cr.
Average Selling Price 288 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 316 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 114.67 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 142.67 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 170.67 Cr.

Product Capacity 831 Units
Resources Needed Energy Cells BoGas
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. BoGas - 328
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. BoGas - 376
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. BoGas - 424
Resource Capacity EC - 5000 units BoGas - 277
Production 18 EC and 1 BoGas produce 3 units of BoFu
Production Time 00:01:12
Plankton Farm

Class: Nature Farm I
Factory Symbol: N with 1 dot

Plankton Farms are a good investment. If you put a few in Argon sectors that contain Cattle Ranches, they will do very well. Plankton is also used in the manufacture of Stott Spices so if you are going to buy a Stott Mixery, you should also buy a Plankton Farm. Purchase Price 844,008 Cr.
Product Plankton
Minimum Selling Price 12 Cr.
Average Selling Price 20 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 28 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 6 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 14 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 22 Cr.

Product Capacity 4998 Units
Resources Needed Energy Cells
Minimum Resource Cost 6 Cr.
Average Resource Cost 16 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost 26 Cr.
Resource Capacity 5000 units
Production 3 EC produce 3 units of Plankton
Production Time 00:00:12
Stott Mixery

Class: Food Factory I
Factory Symbol: F with 1 dot

Stott Spices are used by Sun Oil Refineries, Cahoona Bakeries and Soyeries. They can be very profitable if bought in combination with Plankton Farms and placed in Argon, Paranid or Teladi space. Purchase Price 1,038,780 Cr.
Product Stott Spices
Minimum Selling Price 52 Cr.
Average Selling Price 72 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 92 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 25 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 45 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 65 Cr.

Product Capacity 3332 Units
Resources Needed Energy Cells Plankton
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. Plankton - 12
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. Plankton - 20 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. Plankton - 28 Cr.
Resource Capacity EC - 5000 units Plankton - 5000 units
Production 3 EC and 3 Plankton produce 2 units of Stott Spices
Production Time 00:00:12
High Tech Factories
Chip Plant

Class: High-Tech
Factory Symbol: P

Chip Plants produce Microchips which are used in computer components and Satellites. This can be a fairly profitable factory, but the overhead tends to be a bit high. This factory is available from the Shipyard in Ocean of Fantasy. Purchase Price 649,236 Cr.
Product Microchips
Minimum Selling Price 12,640 Cr.
Average Selling Price 13,476 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 14,320 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 4,650 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 5,486 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 6,330 Cr.

Product Capacity 41 units
Resources Needed Energy Cells BoFu Silicon Wafers
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. BoFu - 260 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 414 Cr.
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. BoFu - 288 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 504 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. BoFu - 316 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 594 Cr.
Resource Capacity EC - 5000 units BoFu - 833 units Silicon Wafers - 208
Production 120 EC, 20 BoFu and 5 Silicon Wafers produce 1 Microchip
Production Time 00:08:00
Computer Plant

Class: High-Tech
Factory Symbol: U

The Computer Plant produces Computer Components which are used in Drones. Like most of the High-Tech factories, the Computer Plant can be fairly profitable. This factory is available at the Shipyard in Kingdom End. Purchase Price 649,236 Cr.
Product Computer Components
Minimum Selling Price 1,140 Cr.
Average Selling Price 1,344 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 1,560 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 341 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 545 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 761 Cr.

Product Capacity 416 units
Resources Needed Energy Cells BoFu Silicon Wafers
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. BoFu - 260 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 414 Cr.
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. BoFu - 288 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 504 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. BoFu - 316 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 594 Cr.
Resource Capacity EC - 5000 units BoFu - 833 units Silicon Wafers - 208
Production 24 EC, 4 BoFu and 1 Silicon Wafer produce 2 Computer Components
Production Time 00:01:36
Crystal Fab

Class: High-Tech
Factory Symbol: C

A Crystal Fab is a very good investment and can be very profitable. Crystals are used to produce Energy Cells and in the production of Lasers. This factory is available at the Shipyard in Lucky Planets. Purchase Price 649,236 Cr.
Product Crystals
Minimum Selling Price 1420 Cr.
Average Selling Price 1684 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 1940 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 421.25 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 685.25 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 941.25 Cr.

Product Capacity 328 units
Resources Needed Energy Cells BoFu Silicon Wafers
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. BoFu - 260 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 414 Cr.
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. BoFu - 288 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 504 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. BoFu - 316 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 594 Cr.
Resource Capacity EC - 5000 units BoFu - 833 units Silicon Wafers - 208
Production 120 EC, 20 BoFu and 5 Silicon Wafers produce 8 Crystals
Production Time 00:08:00
Drone Factory

Class: High-Tech
Factory Symbol: D

A Drone factory can be profitable if placed in a good location. Since production uses Massom Powder, you should either locate the factory in or near Split territory, or build a Scruffin Farm / Massom Mill combination for support. This factory is available at the Shipyard in Kingdom End. Purchase Price 1,298,476 Cr.
Product Fighter Drones
Minimum Selling Price 2,000 Cr.
Average Selling Price 2,020 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 2,040 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 1,173.5 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 1,193.5 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 1,213.5 Cr.

Product Capacity 276 units
Resources Needed Energy Cells Massom Powder Silicon Wafers
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. Massom Powder - 17 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 414 Cr.
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. Massom Powder - 36 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 504 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. Massom Powder - 55 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 594 Cr.
Resource Capacity EC - 5000 units Massom Powder - 6666 units Silicon Wafers - 208
Production 72 EC, 96 Massom Powder and 3 Silicon Wafers produce 4 Fighter Drones
Production Time 00:04:48
Quantum Tube Fab

Class: High-Tech
Factory Symbol: T

Place a Quantum Tube Fab in a sector containing a Shield factory and you can make some really good profits. This factory is available at the Shipyard in Lucky Planets. Purchase Price 649,236 Cr.
Product Quantum Tubes
Minimum Selling Price 3,060 Cr.
Average Selling Price 3,368 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 3,690 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 1,062.5 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 1,370.5 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 1,692.5 Cr.

Product Capacity 164
Resources Needed Energy Cells BoFu Silicon Wafers
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. BoFu - 260 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 414 Cr.
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. BoFu - 288 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 504 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. BoFu - 316 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 594 Cr.
Resource Capacity EC - 5000 units BoFu - 833 units Silicon Wafers - 208
Production 120 EC, 20 BoFu and 5 Silicon Wafers produce 4 Quantum Tubes
Production Time 00:08:00
Satellite Factory

Class: High-Tech
Factory Symbol: i

Satellite Factories are fairly profitable, but resources can be a problem. If you buy one of these, it would be a good idea to also purchase a Snail Ranch / Space Jewellery combination from the Paranid to supply the needed Majalit. This factory is available at the Shipyard in Ocean of Fantasy. Purchase Price 1,298,476 Cr.
Product Navigation Relay Satellite
Minimum Selling Price 6666 Cr.
Average Selling Price 6736 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 6804 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 4311 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 4381 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 4449 Cr.

Product Capacity 82
Resources Needed Energy Cells Majalit Silicon Wafers
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. Majalit - 12 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 414 Cr.
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. Majalit - 36 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 504 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. Majalit - 60 Cr. Silicon Wafers - 594 Cr.
Resource Capacity EC - 5000 units Majalit - 6666 units Silicon Wafers - 208
Production 120 EC, 160 Majalit and 5 Silicon Wafers produce 2 Satellites
Production Time 00:18:00
Weapon Component Factory

Class: High-Tech
Factory Symbol: W

The Weapon Component Factory produces Warheads which are used by Missile Factories, Lasertower Factories and Squash Mine Factories. Resources can be a problem as there always seems to be a shortage of Cloth Rimes so a Wheat Farm / Rimes Fact combo would be a good purchase to go along with this factory. This factory is available at the Shipyard in Kingdom End. Purchase Price 649,236 Cr.
Product Warheads
Minimum Selling Price 165 Cr.
Average Selling Price 224 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 280 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 41.3 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 100.3 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 156.33 Cr.

Product Capacity 2499 units
Resources Needed Energy Cells Cloth Rimes Ore
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. Cloth Rimes - 248 Cr. Ore - 87 Cr. (NPC - 89 Cr.)
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. Cloth Rimes - 288 Cr. Ore - 124 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. Cloth Rimes - 328 Cr. Ore - 159 Cr.
Resource Capacity EC - 5000 units Cloth Rimes - 833 units Ore - 833 units
Production 6 EC, 1 Cloth Rime and 1 Ore produce 3 Warheads
Production Time 00:00:24
Shield Factories

Class: Shield Production Facility
Factory Symbol: S with 1 dot

The 1 Megawatt Shield Factory is the least profitable of the shield factories but production time is fairly short. This factory is available at the Shipyard in Lucky Planets. Purchase Price 1,558,172 Cr.
Product 1 MW Shield
Minimum Selling Price 4,680 Cr.
Average Selling Price 5,052 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 5,430 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 1807.5 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 2179.5 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 2,557.5 Cr.

Product Capacity 110
Resources Needed Energy Cells BoFu Ore
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. BoFu - 260 Cr. Ore - 87 Cr. (NPC - 89 Cr.)
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. BoFu - 288 Cr. Ore - 124 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. BoFu - 316 Cr. Ore - 159 Cr.
Resource Capacity EC - 5000 units BoFu - 833 units Silicon Wafers - 208
Production 90 EC, 15 BoFu and 15 Ore produce two 1MW Shields
Production Time 00:06:00

Class: Shield Production Facility
Factory Symbol: S with 1 dash & 1 dot

The 125MW Shield factory is one of the most expensive factories to purchase and run but it also has the highest profit margin of any factory you can buy. It also has the longest production time of any factory available. This factory is available at the Shipyard in Lucky Planets. Purchase Price 4,558,172 Cr.
Product 125 MW Shield
Minimum Selling Price 1,660,000 Cr.
Average Selling Price 1,677,772 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 1,695,000 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 706,330 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 724,102 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 741,330 Cr.

Product Capacity 2
Resources Needed Energy Cells BoFu Ore
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. BoFu - 260 Cr. Ore - 87 Cr. (NPC - 89 Cr.)
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. BoFu - 288 Cr. Ore - 124 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. BoFu - 316 Cr. Ore - 159 Cr.
Resource Capacity EC - 40,000 units BoFu - 5,000 units Ore - 6,666 units
Production 14,940 EC, 2,490 BoFu and 2,490 Ore produce one 125MW Shield
Production Time 16:36:00
Laser Factories
Alpha I.R.E. Forge

Class: Laser Forge
Factory Symbol: L with 1 dot

The Alpha IRE Forge is the least profitable laser forge you can buy, but it is still capable of putting some decent credits in your purse. Place one in a sector that has an Equipment dock selling these and you should do well. This factory is available at the Shipyard in Kingdom End. Purchase Price 1,298,476 Cr.
Product Alpha Impulse Ray Emitter
Minimum Selling Price 1120 Cr.
Average Selling Price 1344 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 1560 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 354 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 578 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 794 Cr.

Product Capacity 416
Resources Needed Energy Cells BoFu Ore
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. BoFu - 260 Cr. Ore - 87 Cr. (NPC - 89 Cr.)
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. BoFu - 288 Cr. Ore - 124 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. BoFu - 316 Cr. Ore - 159 Cr.
Resource Capacity EC - 5000 units BoFu - 833 units Ore - 833
Production 12 EC, 2 BoFu and 2 Ore produce 1 Alpha I.R.E.
Production Time 00:00:48
Beta I.R.E. Forge

Class: Laser Forge
Factory Symbol: L with 1 dot

A Beta I.R.E. Forge can be very profitable since all fighters in the X Universe can mount this gun. Place in a sector containing an Equipment Dock that sells these, and it should do well. This factory is available at the Shipyard in Kingdom End. Purchase Price 1,947,716 Cr.
Product Beta Impulse Ray Emitter
Minimum Selling Price 2,340 Cr.
Average Selling Price 2,692 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 3,030 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 808 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 1,160 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 1,498 Cr.

Product Capacity 208
Resources Needed Energy Cells BoFu Ore
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. BoFu - 260 Cr. Ore - 87 Cr. (NPC - 89 Cr.)
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. BoFu - 288 Cr. Ore - 124 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. BoFu - 316 Cr. Ore - 159 Cr.
Resource Capacity EC - 5000 units BoFu - 833 units Ore - 833
Production 24 EC, 4 BoFu and 4 Ore produce 1 Beta I.R.E.
Production Time 00:01:36
Alpha P.A.C. Forge

Class: Laser Forge
Factory Symbol: L with 2 dots

The Alpha P.A.C. can be used in all M4 and M3 class fighters so it can be a very good investment. It will also come in handy if you need to supply your fighters with these. This factory is available at the Shipyard in Ocean of Fantasy. Purchase Price 3,246,192 Cr.
Product Alpha Particle Accelerator Cannon
Minimum Selling Price 12,780 Cr.
Average Selling Price 13,476 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 14,160 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 5,120 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 5,816 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 6,500 Cr.

Product Capacity 41
Resources Needed Energy Cells BoFu Ore
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. BoFu - 260 Cr. Ore - 87 Cr. (NPC - 89 Cr.)
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. BoFu - 288 Cr. Ore - 124 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. BoFu - 316 Cr. Ore - 159 Cr.
Resource Capacity EC - 5000 units BoFu - 833 units Ore - 833
Production 120 EC, 20 BoFu and 20 Ore produce 1 Alpha P.A.C.
Production Time 00:08:00
Gamma P.A.C. Forge

Class: Laser Forge
Factory Symbol: L with 2 dots

The Gamma P.A.C. can also be used in all M4 and M3 class fighters with the exception of the Pirate Bayamon, so it can be a very good investment. It will also come in handy if you need to supply your fighters with these. This factory is available at the Shipyard in Ocean of Fantasy. Purchase Price 4,544,672 Cr.
Product Gamma Particle Accelerator Cannon
Minimum Selling Price 65,200 Cr.
Average Selling Price 67,380 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 69,600 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 26,900 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 29,080 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 31,300 Cr.

Product Capacity 8
Resources Needed Energy Cells BoFu Ore
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. BoFu - 260 Cr. Ore - 87 Cr. (NPC - 89 Cr.)
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. BoFu - 288 Cr. Ore - 124 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. BoFu - 316 Cr. Ore - 159 Cr.
Resource Capacity EC - 5000 units BoFu - 833 units Ore - 833 Production 600 EC, 100 BoFu and 100 Ore
produce 1 Gamma P.A.C.
Production Time 00:40:00
Alpha H.E.P.T. Forge

Class: Laser Forge
Factory Symbol: L with 3 dots

An Alpha H.E.P.T. may be useful if you need to supply your M3 class fighters with high powered guns. It can also make some very good profits if placed in a good location. The only downside to any of the H.E.P.T. factories is the long production time. This factory is available at the Shipyard in Lucky Planets. Purchase Price 5,193,908 Cr.
Product Alpha High Energy Plasma Thrower
Minimum Selling Price 132,000 Cr.
Average Selling Price 134,760 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 137,600 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 55,400 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 58,160 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 61,000 Cr.

Product Capacity 4
Resources Needed Energy Cells BoFu Ore
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. BoFu - 260 Cr. Ore - 87 Cr. (NPC - 89 Cr.)
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. BoFu - 288 Cr. Ore - 124 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. BoFu - 316 Cr. Ore - 159 Cr.
Resource Capacity EC - 5000 units BoFu - 833 units Ore - 833
Production 1200 EC, 200 BoFu and 200 Ore produce 1 Alpha H.E.P.T.
Production Time 01:20:00
Missile Factories

Class: Missile Factory
Factory Symbol: R with 1 dot

The Mosquito is the smallest missile and all ships, with the exception of TS freighters can mount it. Place this factory in a sector containing an Equipment Dock that sells the Mosquito Missile. This factory is available at the Shipyard in Kingdom End . Purchase Price 779,084 Cr.
Product Mosquito Missile
Minimum Selling Price 264 Cr.
Average Selling Price 336 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 408 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 72.5 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 144.5 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 216.5 Cr.

Product Capacity 1666
Resources Needed Energy Cells BoFu Ore
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. BoFu - 260 Cr. Ore - 87 Cr. (NPC - 89 Cr.)
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. BoFu - 288 Cr. Ore - 124 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. BoFu - 316 Cr. Ore - 159 Cr.
Resource Capacity EC - 5000 units BoFu - 833 units Ore - 833
Production 6 EC, 1 BoFu and 1 Ore produce 2 Mosquito Missiles
Production Time 00:00:24

Class: Missile Factory
Factory Symbol: R with 3 dots

The Dragonfly is the most widely used missile in the X Universe. All fighters, with the exception of the Pirate Bayamon can fire this missile. A Dragonfly Missile Factory placed in a sector containing an Equipment Dock that sells these can be very profitable. This factory is available from the Shipyard in Ocean of Fantasy. Purchase Price 1,168,628 Cr.
Product Dragonfly Missile
Minimum Selling Price 1,740 Cr.
Average Selling Price 2,020 Cr.
Maximum Selling Price 2,300 Cr.
Minimum Profit Potential 591 Cr.
Average Profit Potential 871 Cr.
Maximum Profit Potential 1,151 Cr.

Product Capacity 277
Resources Needed Energy Cells BoFu Ore
Minimum Resource Cost EC - 6 Cr. BoFu - 260 Cr. Ore - 87 Cr. (NPC - 89 Cr.)
Average Resource Cost EC - 16 Cr. BoFu - 288 Cr. Ore - 124 Cr.
Maximum Resource Cost EC - 26 Cr. BoFu - 316 Cr. Ore - 159 Cr.
Resource Capacity EC - 5000 units BoFu - 833 units Ore - 833
Production 18 EC, 3 BoFu and 3 Ore produce 1 Dragonfly Missile
Production Time 00:01:12