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Communist Page


    Welcome to my page about Communism. Finally I have decided to make one. I will continue to update the page.


What is Communism?

    A classless society with no exploitation. No state machine used by one section of the population to oppress another section. No need for professional armies or police forces. No use of production for profit or exchange.

What? No professional armies?

    I agree with this to an extent. The need for no professional armies has its pros and cons, its basically a matter of opinion whether you agree with this or not.

The "Other" definition of Communism.

    This is probably the definition the average person would give you. It's not their fault that this is what they believe Communism is. They were told to believe this. The rule of society by a single party which has a monopoly of political power and "disbands" all opposition.

What is Socialism?

    A society run by the working class rather than the bourgeoisie. The state machine is used to defend working class interests against those who still have wealth or power and who will attempt to return society to the capitalist system and bourgeois rule. Socialism is the period of transition between the overthrow of bourgeois rule and the development of a classless, communist society.

The "Other" definition of Socialism.

    Society in which the ruling bourgeoisie slightly betters the conditions of life of the working class and oppressed, through such measures as slightly higher taxation of the capitalists.

Interesting Ideas and Knowledge.

-True Communism had never existed.

-All Communists are Socialists, however not all Socialists are Communists.

-The "Smurfs" were a Communist society.

-I believe that Communism first came about tens of thousands of years ago in hunter-gather tribes.

Raise The Fist

How i could just kill a man

Communist Party USA
