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Can you help me buy a house for my family?

All I wish for is to be able to buy a house!

I am making this site to show the world how broke I really am. This is not an accomplishment of mine, it is a very unsettling feeling. All I want is to be able to buy a home for my family. Doesn't everyone feel like they would appreciate a home of their own. This website is my last chance to do this. I am appealling to the good hearted nature in people of the world to assist me in this quest. Yes, I am a mature person in my mid forties, and should have my life more on track than this. However, do to circumstances beyond my control, usually by the end of the month, once rent and heat is paid, we haven't got enough money for food or clothing.

As a person of my age, it is hard to compete in the workforce against younger people who companies feel would be there longer. I still have a minimum of 20 years of working life left. In my mid thirties, I got sick and tired of feeling sorry for myself in a uncertain job market and went back to school. My list of accomplishments are:

Most people would say "Oh well, as long as you have your health, right! If I only had good health to begin with. I have a chronic back disorder called "Lumbar Disk Disease" (deteriating disks). The disks in my back are deteriating to the point that I am in a lot pain for the most part, but still I want to work. Disability does not pay the bills and there is no self asteme to go with it either. Now on top of it all, I do have a severe liver disease that leaves me with severe stomach pain under my ribs on a daily basis, I still want to work. I never got the liver disease from drinking or anything else, I was sick as a child of 9 years old and left my liver permanently damaged. The doctors say that it is very simular to cirrhosis of the liver, but I assure you it isn't from drinking or drugs. In fact I do not drink at all nor do I do drugs.
All this and still cannot find a full time / permanent job. Even if I can get a good year round job, we would not qualify for a mortgage until it is time to retire.
If you would like to help me eventually buy a house, and in the area I live the average cost of a home is about $200,000.00 Canadian, click here.

Once I reach my goal of buying a house, which you will have proof of, this site will come down. I assure you that this is no joke or a scam. This is for real and I have the real health issues and low income to prove it.
Thank you for now and please come back again.

As an alternative to just giving me the money, if you pay for the house, I will invent something for you and you can have all the rights to it, lock, stock, and barrel!
This way you will make more money back in the end.

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