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My Stuff
Thursday, 13 November 2003
Kinda a bad day....
Well...I passed all of my tests! Woohoo! But now I have a bunch of papers I need to type which really sucks. Tomorrow I am going to a Pillar concert with Jon and Ryan. It should be fun. Its been awhile since I went to a concert so I'm kinda excited. I've been so overwhelmed with work and school lately that I've hardly been able to come on here and write. I cant wait for Thanksgiving break...although I do have to work on a paper over break...why do teachers do that? Its so annoying...its like they arent human...kinda like those teachers who assign big projects over Spring Break...hmm..what else has happened?...oh yeah...worried about the wedding...I just want to blow whatever is left after school on the honeymoon and forget about the actual wedding....just have a real simple one for like $200 lol and spend the rest on a cool honeymoon...makes more sense...makes me sad though cause I have always dreamed about having a nice big wedding and I had actually planned it that way until mom had to screw it up....its funny how things can be going so well in your life and all of a sudden one little person comes along and ruins it for ya....but I'm not not at all *sarcasm* least I try not to be...but I have my today...Im determined to wear that wedding dress I bought...I am not going to sacrfice wearing a wedding dress...I guess I will think of something eventually...I just wish I'd win the lottery...then I wouldnt have to worry about all of this...I wonder why all of this happened?? Sometimes I really feel like God is against me...even though deep down inside I know he is just trying to help me...I mean I know Jon and I are supposed to be I know its not then what is it? I wish I could see the big picture...I hate waiting....well I'm off to go do some things....

Posted by comics/welschid at 4:08 PM CST
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Sunday, 2 November 2003
At home...
Yay! I'm at home!! Well...Jon's its home to me...I came home to go to Megan's babyshower today. It was nice. It was at the was nice to see her again. Her tummy has gotten to big since the last time I saw her. The baby's name is Sadie Marie and she is due on Dec. 5 but I think it will be sooner. I'm so sleepy right now. I need to be in bed but I've got stuff to do. Halloween was pretty boring for the most part. I can't believe the weekend is almost over. That sucks really bad. I have a test on Tues which is blah. Well nothin else thats too exciting going on so I gotta run! I will ask Ryan to help me build a website cause I dunno how.

Posted by comics/welschid at 2:21 AM CST
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Friday, 31 October 2003
Happy Halloween
Okay haven't written in here for awhile because I have been extremly busy with school. I dropped Finite which is a relief but I need to pick up another class. I don't know which one though. I just got done taking two tests over the past 2 days and it really sucked. I think I bombed them both. I have another test on Tuesday which really sucks. I hate school. I have felt like crap for the entire week. This week has sucked so bad. I wish something good would happen to me soon. I will be done with school after the summer thank goodness. Well I'm getting ready to head home for the weekend. It will be good to see everyone. Happy Halloween! I wish I had a costume = ( oh year.

Posted by comics/welschid at 12:45 PM CST
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Sunday, 26 October 2003
Bananas are good....
Why yes they are....anywho....The boys kicked JT out of the band *sigh* and I feel really bad for him. He was really, really upset. I hate seeing people sad. It really hurts me. Geez I am a pile of mush. Bah! So yes I still havent studied for my Monday test...I will tomorrow....yay cramming! so much fun. I also have a review session to go to tomorrow so hopefully that will help as well. Man I hate school. I wish it was done. This semester is almost over..thank goodness but I have a ton of work to do. Papers, tests, and stupid Finals! And next semester will be worse since I have to take Finite and actually go...and 2 foreign languages on top of that if they let me do it...if not I'll have to go in the summer which will suck so bad. We are going home next weekend. Yay!! I can't wait. My healthy eating has been going well lately. Bananas rule!! And Gambit is hot!!!!! Why am I infatuated with a comicbook character? I'm fiancee' seems to think so as well....hehe....I'm glad he puts up with my little comicbook a good man ever! Im so lucky to have him. He means everything to me ^_^ I can't wait to get married!!! Jon told me the planning is all up to me and he would marry me anywhere at anytime...hes so sweet...I have to make things difficult by wanting to plan some fancy wedding..oh well...Im only doing it once so might as well go all out hehe...Ok I'm off!!

Posted by comics/welschid at 3:39 AM CDT
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Thursday, 23 October 2003
Jello is yum....
Hey me again. Long night at work and I have a long day at school tomorrow. The problem is I can't seem to get to bed at a descent hour. This is really messing things up for me with school and all. Good news I only have to study for 2 tests this week. The 3rd one is Nov. 4. I am so relieved. 2 is bad enough but 3 is just horrible. Jon and I had a good day today. He is so sweet and I love him so much. I can't wait to get married and start my life with him...well its already started we live together which I feel bad about but for financial reasons it had to be done. Im really worried about JT...Jon and Ryan want to kick him out of the band and Im afraid of what his reaction might be. I dont want him to hurt himself or anything. I feel bad for him because he is so lost. In my heart I dont think Jon and Ryan maybe doing the right thing. It seems like the easiest thing to do but I dont think either one of them have seriously sat down with him and talked to him about Christ. All they seem to do is tell him what he can't do which is not a good thing. I dunno. Its all so confusing and I know its not really my business cause Im not a part of the band but JT is my friend and I can't help it.Inusyasha has been cancelled...AGAIN. Im so mad. Well gotta go do some more things before I try to get myself to bed. ^_^

Posted by comics/welschid at 5:01 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 23 October 2003 5:03 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 21 October 2003
Blog was down for awhile today....
I tried to write in here earlier but angelfire was having problems with their site. BLAH! Anyway...not too bad of a day today. I only had to work 4 hours so that was good. I skipped class which is bad but oh well got to sleep in. My back is killing me right now. I really should be getting off of the computer and get into bed. This late night stuff really needs to stop. I am so stressed about these tests coming up. I have hardly read anything for this semester and I hate studying. I have so much to do this week its crazy. Tomorrow I have 2 classes. One is at 11am then the next one is at 4pm. Not bad cept' I hate my 4pm. The teacher makes no sense and rambles about nonsense all of the time. I've been eating healthy for a week now. It's not so bad. I figure I don't want to die of a heartattack by the time I'm 30. Plus I just like to take care of my body. It deserves it ^_^. Well, I need to get some sleep before class so technically I guess you could call it a nap.

Posted by comics/welschid at 5:40 AM CDT
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Sunday, 19 October 2003
First post....
Ok...I don't have any idea what I am doing. I have never designed a website before...and it really shows...heh...Let's see...what to write about?? Well tonight Jon and I went to see Chainsaw Massacre...very scary and really gross...I want to see Kill Bill...everyone says its really good...maybe next week...this weekend has gone by so fast...I have so much studying to do...stupid 3 tests all in the same week...bah!!!! Well, back to designing my site...

Posted by comics/welschid at 3:56 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 19 October 2003 4:30 AM CDT
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