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Miguel was born into a poor South American family, but yet enjoyed his youth because of his friends that enjoyed life regardless of their poverty. It is believed that one of of the members of his special clique had thwarted the plans of a local gang to commit a horrid crime. One day while playing a game of spades with his friends, they were interrupted by a group of mysterious strangers who violently took his friends from him, as he hid and watched. Miguel now an older man who had spent 14 years in America, four of these years serving in the USMC stationed in Thailand has returned to his native land to take revenge for what had happened that fateful day.


To play this game you need Java 1.3 or higher.

Between every sequence in the game it must load images or sound before that sequence. No more than 300KB of information is loaded between these sequences, which means hopefully the 56K modem users (like myself) do not have to wait for more than 3 minutes between each sequence.

Each level of the game  starts and ends in a comic book like sequence.

To move through this sequence push <ENTER> and a new piece of dialogue or a new comic panel will appear until that level begins. If you want to skip the whole comic book like sequence push <ESC> and you will be taken straight to the action. If you push <ESC> at the ending comic book sequence you will be taken to the next level.

When the level begins you can move the main character around, to find out these buttons push <H> for help and a help screen will appear pausing the game. "Help" can also be used to pause the game when necessary.

To reset the game click on the "Reset" button.