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6-02-03 - I updated! Told ya I would. Three pages (Geez, what's up with the "three" in the updates? hehe). Have fun with that...yeah. Heh. I still dunno where I'm going with this thing, but I'll figure that out one day :D Anyway, I have to go. I will update....whenever. And HAVE A GREAT SUMMER! (doesn't that make ya believe I'll be back soon ;D lol)

5-09-03 - Ahh! It's been a while. Writer's block is a bitch. I'll get past it one of these days when research papers and exams aren't looming over my head. ^^;;
But enought with that. There are 3, yes three, new links on the link page. Go check out those comics. They kick ass. They are officially spiffy.
Until next time, adios!

3-19-03 - Well, I've done some spring cleaning. How do you like? I think it looks pretty good. -nod-
Well, now that I have all this rant space, what am I going to rant about? I don't think I have anything to rant about...nope. Oh well. Instead, I'll 'splain how this works, not because I don't think you can figure it out, I just need to fill this space with something ^_^

You can click on "Last" to see today's comic, or "First" to see the, well, first one. Or, if you stopped in the middle somewhere, you can head to the archives page to start where you left off. Click on the main banner [one on the very top] to return to this page. I think the other buttons are pretty much self-explanitory, no? ^_^ Good.
So that's about that. I guess I'm off to go...draw maybe? Heh. Depends on how many chores I'm doomed to do for skipping school today. It's not fair, I tell you. I stayed home so I wouldn't have to do anything. Gah!

-Ahem- So, um, yeah. Have a good day! And I promise to add another page soon! Until later, seeya!

--Vchanny "Cuando hablando no trabaja, hoy siempre violencia."