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Serving the Military and Civilian Community

Welcome to the Web page of Frank Signorile.

I am a counselor, program coordinator, and systems administrator for a small Baptist affiliated university. I am also a parent, retired Marine and perpetual student.

Distance Learning and me.

I am a firm believer in distance learning. For the past three years I have been teaching courses on the internet. I use as a platform.

Frank Signorile's BIO

I was born and raised in upstate New York in a town called Oswego. I lived there for the first eighteen years of my life, graduating from high school in 1971. Shortly thereafter I joined the Marines and began the 2d chapter of my adult life. Currently, I am a Counselor and Program Coordinator for Campbell University, a small Baptist affiliated university in North Carolina. I am the site coordinator for Marine Corps Air Station, New River, and Jacksonville, North Carolina. This site is part of the Camp Lejeune extended Campus.

I hold an undergraduate degree in Sociology, a Masters degree in Public Administration, and a second Masters of Science Degree in Computer Information Systems. I teach government, public policy and management courses in an adjunct capacity for several universities aboard the base and the local community college, in addition to my job with Campbell. I use computer applications extensively in all my classes and this generated my initial interest in computers, and hence, my desire to pursue a second graduate degree in Computer Information systems. I have been teaching courses aboard the Internet for the past three years, and this has added to my appreciation for this form of learning.

Click here to go to my resume

Click here to learn about Blackboard

In what I refer to as my other life, I spent almost 22 years in the USMC, retiring in 1993. I served in a variety of assignments in the intelligence field in both the officer and enlisted ranks. I also used computer applications in the intelligence field.

I am married and have three children. My oldest recently graduated from Duke University, and has just completed graduate school at UNC-Chapel Hill. My son is a sophomore at UNC-Chapel Hill. My youngest daughter is a senior in high school, and fights with me for computer time. The other two have laptops!

In October of 2001, I completed requirements for a Masters degree in Computer Information Systems (MSCIS) with the University of Phoenix. Because of my interest in distance education, I decided to pursue a third master's degree in education with an emphasis on e learning. This is my eighth class in this new program and exciting area of education. I love the format and student interaction. I'm looking forward to working with everyone. I enrolled in the UOP because of the convenience, the experience, and the potential of the distance-learning format. I hope to validate the ideas of continuous assessment, and distance learning potential that have been part of my experience as adult learner and educator.
Click here to go to my education philosophy