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Crank up the profit-pulling power of your website when you...

"Convert Your Website Traffic Into Huge Commissions by Promoting Our Unique Suite of Popular Internet Marketing Products!"

Why Restrict Your Affiliate Sales to a Single Product When You Can Earn Far More on a Complete Family of Internet Tools?

Dear Internet Marketer,

At, we offer Internet marketers the ultimate suite of tools, the best of the best of what you need to maximize your Internet profits. But if you're here you already know that. And you know that…

  • GetResponse is a smart autoresponder that automatically follows up with your prospective customer and builds your opt-in list. If you're using it, you know how it increases your profits, boosts your conversion ratios and builds credibility.
  • WebsiteWizard gives you access to 10+ different web-building services all rolled into one complete web hosting package. You can build a professional, automated, money-making website in minutes rather than hours. No more juggling multiple services or software!
  • HyperTracker shows you exactly which ads and promotions are making you money and which yield the highest ROI. HyperTracker tracks not only visitors, but also sales, signups, downloads, profits and expenses. It calculates everything for you on the fly!
  • EbookGold helps you create your own e-books easily and effortlessly. Since digital information products are the currency of the Internet, you need ebook creation software that's robust yet easy to use for "viral" marketing and delivering infoproducts.

Any one of these products alone could bring you big money in referral sales when you sign up for their respective affiliate programs. But through the combined marketing genius of, you now have 4x the power to draw money from your affiliates programs.

Here's How It Works...

When you join our affiliate program, you send your customers to our website using a unique link designed for you, and you get a commission when they buy something from us. It's as simple as that!

It's a win-win for everyone involved: you turn your referred customers into cash, and we get a new and loyal customer. And hey, you work hard to attract customers to your site, so why not try to earn some extra cash for you effort, right?

But most affiliate programs aren't profitable for the affiliates because:

  1. The products don't have enough market demand.
  2. The commissions are too low for the opportunity to be profitable.

We solve those issues by offering not one but four products that are in high demand, and by presenting them in such a way that your customers often by more than one product! It's really simple math:

High Demand + Multiple Sales = $$$$!

If you like that math, Join Our Affiliate Program now to see how we can turn your internet traffic into cash in your pockets!

4 Times More Likely to Earn You Money!

Ask any major-league hitter how many pitches they need to hit a home run, and they'll tell you: I only need one, but I'd like a lot more. Why? Because the more pitches you get, the more opportunities you have to put one out of the park.

You're just like that major-leaguer — except that for you, a home run is that hard-earned commission. And you want to earn a commission every time you step up to the plate. So why join affiliate programs that only give you one pitch to swing at when gives you four?

Most affiliate programs only give you one shot at a commission from your customers, because they only sell one product. At, we give you four shots at that commission, because we offer not just a single, high-quality product, but four such products!

And we work hard to promote and sell our products on our website so you don't have to. You just send your hard-won customers to us, and we'll make sure you get the commission you deserve.

So what would you rather have: just one shot at a sale or FOUR?

When you're ready for more opportunities to hit a home run, Join Our Affiliate Program to see why more really is better!

4 Times More Profit Into Your Pocket!

Why settle for a simple income stream when we can help you turn that stream into a raging river of profit? offers customers — yes, your customers! — not a single tool or product to help them with their marketing, but a complete end-to-end solution.

The suite incorporates an irresistible combination of tools that no Internet marketer should be without. And what turns the stream into a torrent is this simple fact...

"Most customers who buy from us
usually buy at least three products."

That's at least 3x the profit for you on average, with the potential to quadruple your commission! When your customers discover how invaluable the suite is to their marketing efforts, their need for our products becomes YOUR profit! And not just once, but once for every product they buy!

So why not Join Our Affiliate Program and convert your affiliate program profits from a trickle to a flood! Do it now and watch the checks rolling in...

Sign Up NOW!

We look forward to sending you hefty commission checks every month!