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European Defense Initiative

Each member country of E.D.I. provided a team that worked on its own designs, with Sir James Braddock overseeing the project as a whole. Allegedly Thorleif Golman stole the Norwegian team's successful prototypes to become Thor. Despite this setback, the project continued working to create a European Union equivalent of the Ultimates taskforce forming in the United States.

Brian perfected his armor and took the codename Captain Britain. With twelve other candidates from E.U. member states in various states of readiness, the E.D.I. prepared to go public. One of Brian's earliest missions prior to this unveiling was to raise a downed submarine, assisted by two fellow E.D.I. agents and the Ultimates' Iron Man.

Weeks later, S.H.I.E.L.D. decided Thor had become a dangerous liability who needed to be apprehended. The four combat ready E.D.I. super-soldiers - Captain Britain, Captain Spain (Carlos Fraile), Captain France (Hugo Etherlinck) and Captain Italy (Umberto Landi) - accompanied the Ultimates to Norway to confront Thor. After a protracted melee, the European super-soldiers helped their allies strip Thor of his belt, the source of his powers, and placed Thor in custody. Soon after, the entire E.D.I. team helped the Ultimates invade and disarm a rogue Middle Eastern state.

Director of E.D.I.:
Sir James Braddock

Known Members of E.D.I.:
Captain Britain
Captain Spain
Captain France
Captain Italy