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Current quote- I am in the snow!


Previous quotes-

9/13/02- I have an identical twin!

9/12/02- I'm living here until my shack is rebuilt.

9/11/02- The rumors of my death were greatly exagerated.
9/10/02- EAT!
9/9/02- DO A JIG!
9/8/02- Oh ho! That is a penny from heaven!
9/7/02-So my parents didn't search for you so that they could get the inheritance money.
9/6/02- Indeed!
9/5/02- I make hats!
9/4/02- I am Pokey the Penguin! I own a steel factory!
9/3/02- ZANG!
9/2/02- After years of labor, our giant foam novelty can of soda is complete.
9/1/02- I will educate him!
8/31/02- I'm offering guided tours! Come to visit your roots!
8/30/02- One day in the Arctic circle...
8/29/02- Moth landed on him!
8/28/02- Don't let it land on you!
8/27/02- I am Pokey the Penguin and I need three servings of love a day.
8/26/02- Smeat will do that to you.
8/25/02- I am Pokey the Penguin and I like friends.
8/24/02- Superman...
8/23/02- The answer is no.
8/23/02- Your solidity meter will tell you that I am solid.
8/22/02- I am solid!
8/21/02- Do not thank me, thank Samuel M. Colt.
8/20/02- HOORAY!
8/19/02- It is as was foretold by the prophecies.
8/18/02- It calls to me every time the wind rustles through the trees.
8/17/02- I want to get in touch with my roots.
8/16/02- That is how you say hello in San Francisco.
8/15/02- Lesson 1: In San Francisco, it is recomended that you dress Chicago-style.
8/14/02- With slight modification, any canoe can become a time canoe.
8/13/02- I... ummm... well... you see...
8/12/02- Behold! The vast Arctic wasteland, one of nature most beautiful spectacles.
8/11/02- Sling!
8/10/02- Back in the boat.
8/9/02- I am Pokey the Penguin, a strong and fearsom man!
8/8/02- HOORJ!
8/7/02- Darn it, out of tape. You may go.
8/6/02- No... but I know a little about women.
8/5/02- Now back to my whiskey.
8/4/02- YES!
8/3/02- Does it stare back!?
8/2/02- God bless the medical tongs.
8/1/02- I mate with fate.
7/31/02- ZIING! The extra I adds extra zing... *explodes*
7/30/02- I hate your stupid fortune, "For a good cause wrongdoing may be virtuous."

 7/29/02- Enjoy Smeat!