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Welcome to kinkerdinkers...home of the tiddlywinks

um....we're strange...yeah

Who we are:

EL-Jappo (aka: Aaron)
cycopth (aka: Brien)
Hushed Windscreamer (aka: Kevin)

General Rants

How you can become an asshole
George Bush says.....
Our Favorite Quotes
Fortune Cookies

Favorite Videos and Websites:

Homestar Runner
We Aint Found Shit......
Rather famous Linkin' Park WRC video...if you like cars, click here!
Tokyo Breakfast!!!
Purple Thingy
End of the World
Bad Day at Work Video
Alien Song by Victor Navone
Lego Camelot!
Xiao Xiao Stick Figures...I strongly recommend video #3
Badger Badger Badger Badger.....
Chicken Chow Mein
Stick Death
Shake it like a Polaroid Picture
Funny Chimp Video
Shut Up
Penguine Fun!
Above link too violent? Go here instead
Bedroom Golf
College Humor
Bush on Sovereignty