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Episode 1
TBC Comic 1
Two Huloids named Torin ZX and BladeMan ZX are being accused of giving away top secret defense codes for their homeland "Replitopia," a paradise hidden in the North Pole. Commander Zero of the Resistance is sentencing them to be wiped clear of their memories and sent back in time as their punishment, but who did it really?
Episode 2
TBC Comic 2
BladeMan and Torin ZX are now walking with Gaurd Droids following closely behind into the chamber of time. At the machine the Lab Droid inputs the year 2006 into the control panel and the machine begins to power up every passing second. What fate will await the two human pals?
Episode 3
TBC Comic 3
Blade and Torin are now being transported back into time, but first the machine has priority to rid the two of their important Armor-Metals, the very armor that makes them unique, along with thier memories of being protectors of Replitopia. Then they are seperated and sent back.
Episode 4
TBC Comic 4
A distress call comes from a panicing Maverick Saver force member. Apparently a Maverick has gone out of control and is harming the citizens. Luckily a reply comes back saying that he/she will intervene with the maverick and stop him.
Episode 5
TBC Comic 5
The resulting reply from the Maverick Saver was in fact a boy named Vent and a girl named Aile. They are the ones who would intervene with the rapaging Maverick.
Episode 6
TBC Comic 6
Meanwhile, in Metro High School, a grade 12 student known as Corey is stuck in his routine Math class. As usual, Corey is bored to death learning how numbers can become complicated and frustrating, and Brian, another student and friend of Corey's makes his day even worse.
Episode 7
TBC Comic 7
The bell has rung for the last time for Corey and his friend Brian, as they have graduated and are now on their own. What's next?
Episode 8
TBC Comic 8
The Shade Copyroid has both Vent & Aile cornered, and they aren't looking too great. Meanwhile, Corey and Brian arrive at the scene of the battle along with their friend Murb who seems to know a little more then the two know?
Episode 9
TBC Comic 9
Corey becomes frustrated with all the recent attacks being inflicted in Metropolis City, so he runs in and prepare to do something about it; however, he is caught off guard by a road block officer, what will happen now?
Episode 10
TBC Comic 10
Corey flings the officer aside, and continues to head towards the Shade Copyroid, just when it seems to have the upper hand on both Vent & Aile.
Episode 11
TBC Comic 11
The Shade Copyroid is now fully pissed off. He grabs Corey and prepares to eliminate him on sight. Just then Corey see's something shiny at both Vent & Aile's hands. He then tries to devise an easy escape.
Episode 12
TBC Comic 12
So what did Corey happen to think up? Well, apparently something good enough to draw the Shade Copyroid away from his plan to kill Corey on the spot.....lucky move.
Episode 13
TBC Comic 13
The Shade Copyroid comes to it's senses and begins to get mad at Corey, apparently if two Shade Copyroids DID happen to make out the internet would begin to leak out of their wireless command connection and spread throughout the town, and just to prove he was right, Corey sees some proof of this estranged mystery.
Episode 14
TBC Comic 14
Corey picks up the two posessions of Vent and Aile's and prepares them for the final blow on the robot.