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Flower The Joke Site PeaceSign
We're #1!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and hippy!

(We are currently under construction (but everything still works!) so check back at least every once in awhile to see what great stuff we've added!)

Jokes Osama YoMama Jokes

Jokes StupidFish Nerd Jokes

Jokes Drinks+Personalities Elevator Jokes

Jokes NakedDude E-mails Jokes

Jokes MiscellaneousJokes HowToBeAnnoying Jokes

Jokes Rednecks RedneckSpeech Jokes

Jokes Farting Golfing Jokes

Jokes Southerner Wal-Mart Jokes

Jokes Viruses BlondeStories Jokes

Movies Penguins JapaneseMovie Movies

Pics Pictures Pics

Click here to see pictures of the creators of the site naked!