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What I hope will soon be an online comic about two Clans of Crime, the Blood and the Death and there vicious war! Read the scripts for the first two issues/episodes via the links!

The above photo is of Evan Reywar, a character from the series. The drawing was done by Rusty Barron (aka moocat). Thanks! BTW that photo will stay on the main page 'till there is a logo or banner of some sort completed!

To contact me with questions, suggestions, fan mail or if you would like to join the staff, please contact me using the email adress below!

This is an original comic series, created and written by Eric McIntyre. We are currently looking for an artist and hope to have one soon!

All characters are the property of the author and any unauthorised copying is strictly prohibited. Any persons found doing so will be prosecuted. However if you would like to use characters, contact me and it will be arranged.

Issue One
Issue Two
Latest News
