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Jean Grey

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Real name - Jean Grey Summers

Code Name - Marvel Girl, Ms. Psyche, Redd, Pheonix

Nationality - New York

Mutant abilities - Class A Telepathy (enabling her to read minds, project her thoughts into others' minds, and stun the minds of others with "mental bolts"), telekinesis (enabling her to levitate herself, other living beings, and objects). Jean's teke powers were recently transferred to fellow X-Man, Psylocke.

Background story - Jean Grey is the younger daughter of John Grey, a history professor at Bard College in New York State, and his wife Elaine. When Jean was ten years old her best friend Annie Richardson was killed by an automobile. Jean's outpouring of emotion as she held her dying friend activated her latent telepathic powers, causing her to experience Annie's own emotions as she died. Traumatized by this experience and unable to control her newly awakened powers, the young Jean became severely withdrawn and depressed.When she was eleven, Jean's parents took her to meet Professor Charles Xavier, who realized she was a mutant and treated her for several years (see Professor X). Xavier erected psychic shields in Jean's mind to prevent her from using her telepathic powers until she had become sufficiently mature to control them, and he taught her how to use her emerging telekinetic abilities. Finally, when Jean was in her middle teens, she joined the X-Men, a group of other young mutants whom Xavier was training in the use of their powers. She assumed the code name Marvel Girl.Jean soon fell in love with her fellow student, Scott Summers, alias Cyclops, but for years they were each too shy to express their feelings for each other (see Cyclops).Xavier finally removed the psychic shields from Jean's mind when he was faced with the threat of the alien Z'nox. Since then, she has proved highly adept at using her telepathic powers.Jean left the X-Men shortly after Xavier recruited a second team of students, but continued her romantic relationship with Scott (X-Men). Shortly afterwards Jean and other X-Men were abducted by Steven Lang's Sentinels to Lang's orbiting space. After defeating Lang the X-Men had to escape back to Earth in a space shuttle through a lethal solar radiation storm. The pilot's cabin lacked sufficient shielding against radiation, but Jean insisted on piloting the craft herself. While she was dying from radiation poisoning, the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix Force appeared to Jean. The Phoenix Force created a body for itself that was identical to Jean's, duplicated her memories and personality, and absorbed a portion of her consciousness. It then guided the X-Men's shuttle to a crash landing in Jamaica Bay off New York City. The Phoenix Force also cast the real Jean into suspended animation within a strange pod that rested on the bottom of Jamaica Bay while slowly healing her.Under the name Phoenix the cosmic being joined the X-Men, who believed it was the real Jean. Months later the X-Men's foe Mastermind began mentally manipulating Phoenix's mind, ultimately brainwashing her into becoming the Black Queen of the sinister Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club (see Hellfire Club, Mastermind). In the process he inadvertently caused Phoenix to turn insane, becoming Dark Phoenix, a danger to the entire cosmos. Ultimately, the portion of Jean's consciousness within Phoenix resurfaced and caused Phoenix to commit suicide rather than wreak further destruction. Upon the death of the Phoenix Force's physical body, the portion of Jean's consciousness it had absorbed returned to Earth and ultimately was reabsorbed by Jean.Eventually the Avengers found the pod in Jamaica Bay and turned it over to the Fantastic Four for study. The real Jean Grey then released herself from the pod, fully healed. She was reunited with Scott and the other original members of the X-Men, and together they founded a new team, the original X-Factor (see X-Factor). Later, after Professor Xavier returned from a long sojourn in space with the Starjammers, Jean and the other members of X-Factor rejoined the X-Men (see Starjammers).While Jean had been in suspended animation Scott had married Madelyne Pryor, a clone of Jean created by Mister Sinister (see Pryor, Madelyne). Eventually Pryor went mad, developed vast powers, and died in combat with Jean.Some years later, Scott finally married the real Jean Grey. During their honeymoon, however, their spirits were transported two millennia into an alternate future and were placed in new bodies by the Askani cult. Their leader, Rachel Summers, the daughter of the Scott and Jean of an alternate reality, had also served in the X-Men under the name Phoenix (see Phoenix II). As Slym and Redd, Scott and Jean spent years in that future time, raising Nathan, the son of Scott Summers and Madelyne Pryor, who had earlier been brought to the future. Eventually Scott and Jean returned to their own time and bodies, leaving Nathan in the future to become the heroic warrior Cable (see Cable).In Rachel's honor Jean adopted the name Phoenix when she returned to the X-Men. Following several rather trying adventures, Jean and Scott took a temporary leave of absence from the X-Men, returning as part of the 12 to battle Apocalypse. In the fight, Scott appeared to die, yet Jean and Cable eventually locatred the lost Cyclops... after sensing his presence on the astral plane.Recently, thinking they were about to perish at the hands of a deranged young mutant, Jean and Wolverine shared a passionate kiss. How this affects Jean's relationship with her husband Cyclops is yet to be seen...


Group affiliation - X-Men, (former) X-Factor I