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Dear Holocaust "revisionist",

You and you sick ideals need to stop. Calling something like the mass murder of a thousand Jews a myth! All this to bring back Nazism, going against such hard evidence as:

Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who was born in Germany and then moved to Amsterdam, Holland. She gave one of the most detailed accounts of the death camps through her diary. After being discovered in an annex of an office building, Anne was moved to several concentration camps before ending up in Bergen-Belsen, located in Germany. There she was starved and eventually murdered by the Nazis.

Another Bergen-Belsen victim was Fania Fenelon, who gave an eyewitness account of the camp.

"The stench had become intolerable; wrapped in my cloak, a priceless possession, I went out in search of air, to stretch out, to sleep in the open. The ground was muddy and cold, so I kept walking. In front of me, a pile of corpses balanced carefully on one another, rose geometrically like a haystack. There was no more room in the crematoria so they piled up the corpses out here.

I climbed up them as one would a slope; at the top I stretched out and fell asleep. Sometimes an arm or leg slackened to take its final position. I slept on; in the morning, when I woke up, I thought I that I too must be losing my reason ..."

Another person, Moshe Peer wrote another account of the horrid images.

"There were pieces of corpses lying around and there were bodies lying there, some alive and some dead. Bergen-Belsen was worse than Auschwitz because there people were gassed right away so they didn't suffer a long time ... Some people went mad with hunger and turned to cannibalism."

Of course, you will still deny this evidence and call it a lie, and no matter what concrete evidence you are presented with, you will still continue to deny it.

        One who pities you,

        Travis Pope