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Manga Archives

Read and learn all about the simple world in which you live in. A world of love, hate, war, peace, religion, science, charity, greed, good, and evil. So many things for such a small, and simple world...
Eh.. okay, I don't know what that was, but it was fun writing it! ^_^; Here you can read the Simple World manga! Yay! Go on and enjoy!


Chapter 00: Before the Begining
01- 02- 03- 04- 05- 06- 07- 08- 09- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17

Misc. Manga

Thanksgiving - We are aware or the fact that it's not Thanksgiving anymore. Animal crulity it bad! Drawn by Ifrit.
Cookies - A short manga with no plot, and lacks meaning. Drawn by Kayu.