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Welcome to Swingers_UK@Hotmail.COM

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Hi, we at Swingers UK are in the process of generating a new Swingers CD. The CD will comprise information from all over the country of Swinger parties in your area, with lots of adverts from people like yourself who are interested in this subject. Besides the advertising section the CD will contain MPEG clips of all sorts of hilarious funny moments on all sorts of subjects. If you are interested in being on our e-mailing list then just reply to this mail to indicate so. Please note this CD will not contain any Porn or anything that will install on you PC like embedded scripts and the like. Please note the first CD will be sent out to you free of charge to get the ball rolling and to get the customer list built up. If you would like to submit anything for the fist release then please just mail us back. You can mail us with anything you would like included. Details of personal advertisements etc will be included and explained within the first publication. If you are interested then please just e-mail us with your postal address of where you would like the first CD to be dispatched to. Cheers SWINGERS_UK@HOTMAIL.COM
