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Mary - Great, I'm squished!!
Natasha - There goes the Paparazzi again! Why cant they just leave me alone?!?
Kate - Give me some space peoples!
Lori - Can we get this over with?
Sari - Ohmigosh they have been talking for 6 hours now!! I want to go home! Argh!
Kerri - What is Haylie doing over there?
Jeanette - Today is going to be a loong day.
Natalie - This is SO boring.
Adriana - i am very squised
Lila - No! Don't take a picture of me! I'm not ready yet!!!
Cindy - Eww, someone has B.O.!!!
Lindsay - I'm really uncomfortable right now! Hello? Can u hear me? Take me to my trailer! Ahh nevermind. No one ever listens to Hilary.. *sighs*
Giselle - I bet I look retarded right now ...


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