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Welcome to the Strange Reality Online Comic homepage! I hope you enjoy my comics.
NEWS-3/27/04- Just as promised, a new Strange REality is up! Also, I have a special announcement, I will be re-creating the website to a newer design! The base of it is finished, and I just need to populate it with images and stuff. Till next time!
NEWS-3/26/04- Never mind me bulshitting excuses for not making the comic, the truth is, I have been very, very busy latly and I don't even have access to a computer 99% of the time, so nothing was made, this one is from a very long time ago when I was acting lazy and Chris made one for me just to keep the series going, I didn't use it because I wanted the story to go in a different direction, but now that I have forgotten where I wanted it to go, I will use it. I PROMISE I will have one made by me up soon, just hang on until then. Good things are coming, so stay tuned!
NEWS-12/24/03- Ok, my VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, lazy streak has ended with a Strange Reality Christmas Special! Thanks for Antwan for the banners because I was too lazy to make them myself.
NEWS-10/20/03- SWEET! Twan just gave me his guest comic, and it rules! Read it now! Oh, just did....oh well!
NEWS-10/19/03- Ok, I know that I broke my rule of one comic at least per week, but I didn't have the sprites I needed and I just got them now, so I made a new one finally. Anyways, I will be making another one on monday, and I will have a guest comic made by Antwan too! Yay!!!
NEWS-10/5/03- New Strange Reality is out! Yay! And some major fighting has just started to start! YAY! On A side note, my site is now uploaded! YAY!!!!!! Get to it here!
NEWS-9/28/03- New SR is out, and it's pretty bloody this time. I suggest that people with weak stomachs look away and not read it....oh....wait....its right about this....HAHA! I made some of you puke!
NEWS-9/19/03- New Strange Reality is out, we find out a little bit more about people every day...
NEWS-9/12/03- MUWAHAHAHA! I HAVE FINALLY GOTTEN SOMEONE ELSE TO DO MY DIRTY WORK FOR ME! mean....New Strange Reality is up gracefully done by the wonderful Flipside! Also know as Cap'n Chris!
NEWS-9/6/03- New SR is out on this wonderful Saturday. I was actually working on the script for this one for 3 days. Major Writers block.
NEWS-8/27/03-Ok, school starts tomorrow, so the comics will come out about once a week now...probably on friday so I have time to do it and not worry about anything else and not be bothered.
NEWS-8/21/03-Wow, a week sience an update. It's updated now, as in New SR.
NEWS-8/13/03-Blood, Death, Fire!....New Strange Reality.
NEWS-8/9/03-Damn it's hot out right now..I Strange Reality is up.
NEWS-8/5/03-New Strange Reality format, I upgraded the space that a frame is in the comic, it is now 250x200 for your viewing pleasure! I am actually doing this as a test, and if for some reason it doesn't work out, i'm going back to the old look, but I doubt that will happen. You see, Strange Reality can only get better!
NEWS-8/1/03-New Strange Reality, and also, Logan brought something up to my attention, he told me that he didn't know how to contact me through e-mail on this site, so I told him you have to click on the punching Jason to get to it. So People, in case you were dumb like Logan, To send me e-mails, click on the punching Jason.
NEWS-7/28/03-New Strange Reality Off-Beats because I have a writers block for the main story, actually, I just didn't feel like making a new SR.
NEWS-7/23/03-New Special Flipside Edition of Strange Reality.
NEWS-7/22/03-New SR, and there will be a guest comic tomorrow!
NEWS-7/17/03-New SR....That's it.
NEWS-7/15/03-New SR, I am going to try to update more often than this, but I can't keep any promises. Also, the talented Chris Pye made a new Strange Reality group pictrue!. Yay!
NEWS-7/4/03-Happy Fourth of July everyone!!!!
NEWS-6/29/03- Two new updates, 1)I made a new SR and uploaded it, and 2) I made a new navigation system on the comics page. Enjoy!
NEWS-5/11/03- Due to popular demand, A New SROB: Strangle Maina has been made! Enjoy!
NEWS-5/8/03- Update.....That's it.
NEWS-4/30/03- Ok, FINALLY SR #11 is up, the reason why it took so long is computer related problems, and becuase I have explaned it to people about 5,000 times, i'm not going to repeat it yet again. But have fun!
NEWS-1/4/03- Well, happy new year everybody! Sorry, but I was acting lazy and didn't make a comic for christmas or new years or anything and plus I go back to school in ONE day so I felt like I owed you something. Click here to get your special christmas/new year's present. Enjoy! PS: Also, goto the links section and visit Joey's new site, "What The Hell?".
NEWS-11/28/02- Strange Reality thanksgiving special is up now. Knock yourself out. Goto this link. ~Jason
NEWS-11/25/02- Well, Strange Reality #10 is finally up, but it isnt the cool flash thingy. I'll have to put that up at a later time, if it ever gets finished. Sorry about the 4 month delay for SR, but think of it this way, I have formulated a fail proof story line for the typical reader that you are. Also,
NEWS-7/23/02- No SR#10 but it will be out in a little bit but, for your viewing pleasue, I present to you Strange Reality: Off beats! It is a comic when there is no main comic! Yay! View #1 Here(Rated R for strong language.).
NEWS-7/18/02- Strange Reality #10 isn't up yet. It will be in flash done by FlipsideCBP(Chris), and It will take awhile to do. Meanwhile, Flipside Also drew a Über B&W Picture of the SR gang. You can see it Here. Don't miss the little guy in the bottom right hand corner of the picture. If I can get some more fan art, I can start a fan art section. Yay. Sorry if I sound a little....sluggish....Yesterday I was up 'till 6 AM Downloading the first episode of Love Hina. Damn this stupid 56K modem.

NEWS-7/11/02- Hey, 7-11 is a store, thats cool. I have made three new comics for you people for missing so many days, so go start from #7. Enjoy. Also, SR#10 is gonna be good. I think I will have it be drawn out or done in flash. I dunno yet but it's gonna be good.

NEWS-7/10/02- Sorry but STILL no new comic yet, I promise you people a new comic in a couple of days. Also, I might put up the SR: Special Editions too.

NEWS-6/13/02- Finally the new comic is up. Enjoy! Also please prove to me that you like my comic by clicking on the Vote button above. It would really mean a lot to me if you guys would vote. I would at least like to be #150/150 on the board.

NEWS-6/10/02- Sorry but no new comic yet. I haven't been able to find time because of finals at school so you people are going to have to wait for a couple of more days.

NEWS-5/26/02- I had to change the title of "I hate logan" because his parents were getting mad, but they were cool about it. So what used to be known as "I hate Logan" is now know as "Sub Side Story."