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This is more like a love story I made it myself...Well...this is just a make up, so don't misunderstood it as my love life, okay??

Well then, enjoy the story...!


Not a other love story... - BAIKEN

_____It was a lonely night that night...a guy, not cute, but not ugly too, just the average guy, was looking through the sky that moment on a balcony outside his living room as he smokes. From the looks of it, he was around in his early twenties. Suddenly, a musical, more like a polyphonics type of tone, was heard. It was coming from his Nokia 9210 handphone. "Konichiwa?", answered the guy. "Konichiwa your head...! It's 'Kombawa'! It's already night, fool! Hahaha, what are you doing, Darrel?"
"Haha...Hi Fred...Nothing much actually...just watching the sky... How's everything in KL?"
"Nothing much actually. Still going strong... My girl is helping everything for me... Not much for me to do... Hahahaha!"
"Hahaha...You're lucky Fred... Unlike me... hahaha..."
"Let me guess, you still don't have a girl? Man, go get a girl for goodness sake!"
"Ha...Talk easy... Even now, it's hard for me to find a job for myself... And you're asking me to find a girl? I'm lucky enough to able to stay in my uncle's apartment after begging for it like hell...!"
"Haha...Oh, gotta go now... Magaratte's calling me... you know how she acts if I doesn't follow her around..."
"Haha...I know...Well then, sayonara...!"
"Sayonara, Darrel-kun!" Darrel put his handphone down as he continues to look at the sky back. "Huh... I hope I get a girlfriend soon..."

_____Darrel was getting ready to his usual class as suddenly, he heard his door knock. "'s 8:30 in the morning... Who would that be?" asked Darrel to himself as he headed towards the main door. He peeks through his door hole, which gave him the surprised of his life. As he opens his door, a girl... Darrel tries to scan her to check her status : The girl seems around 19 or less maybe, waist size... around 26 maybe, bra size... B 43 maybe... Wow...the perfect lady... thought Darrel as he continues to stares at the girl. "Erm... Sorry... But I saw your ad in the newspaper today..."
"Ad...? Oh...You meant the about renting the room...? Oh... That was fast..."
"So, can I move in now?"
"Whoa...whoa...Not so fast...Let's come in and talk about the rent... "
"But I brought all my stuff already..." said the girl as she show Darrel her luggages outside. "Wow... That was fast... Erm... It seems you're desperate... Well...How bout RM60 per month?"
"Done! Now can I move in now?"
"Ah...okay...Let me carry your stuffs for you..." said Darrel as he helps to carry her luggages. "By the way, you still haven't told me your name yet..."
"It's Alisa..."
"Okay... Alisa... There's food in the freezer and help yourself in the house... I'm going out for class now...By the way, there's a spare key for you on the table. Gotta go now...bye..." Darrel then left the place as he headed down to his collage...Wow... Imagine having a girl to stay with a lucky guy am I...

_____It was already 5 in the evening. Darrel was heading home from collage. As he stepped in front of the door, he started to smell something good. "Hmph...someone's cooking..." Darrel then unlocks the door as he finds out that Alisa was cooking some mouth - watering dishes for dinner. "My God! Did you cook all this?"
"Yup...I guess you might be hungry after studying. I couldn't even imagine how you could survive with microwaves freezers and noodles... I whipped something up for you."
"Gee...Thanks for your concern..." Few moments later, they were having dinner together. As they were eating, Darrel asks Alisa a question. "By the way, how old are you anyway?" Alisa looks up and replies to him, "18 this year. How'bout you?"
"Well, I'm heading 20 this year... and still studying... How'bout you? Don't you have any classes or work or what so ever?"
"Erm... I have no work actually... Erm... Can we skip this topic? It's kinna touching into some of my private matters..."
"Oh... Okay..." replied Darrel as he continues on eating. "So, how'bout you? Where's your parents?" asked Alisa suddenly. "My parents are in K.L now, and I'm stuck here to continue my studies. It seems all of my other friends are already in KL too... leaving me all alone here... hahaha..."
"You're all alone? No freinds? How'bout your girl? Don't you have any girlfriends or so?"
"Well... none yet so far... I guess I'm not lucky enough to get one... Besides... I'm too busy to have one anyway, gotta find a part - time work anyway... The money that my parents gave me every month is isn't enough for my daily basis anymore..."
"Gee...I see..." said Alisa as she continues on eating. "And you? How'bout you? No love life?"
"Nah... Some guys are too crappy for me... always trying to take advantage for me... I prefer making friends rather than falling in love..."
"Oh... Okay..." said Darrel as they both continue to eat their dinner in solitute.
_____Darrel was on his usual spot on the balcony that night, doing his usual stuff...which was staring toward the night stars, while smoking. As he was enjoying his solitute, Alisa suddenly appeared behind him. "Beautiful sky, huh?" said Alisa "Well... The moon is brighter than usual... It's okay I guess..." replied Darrel. Alisa then sat down beside him. Alisa coughed suddenly. "Oh, sorry... I'll put this ciggeratte out right away..."
"No, no need for that...mind if I have one?"
"Do you smoke too?"
"Well... I might as well try smoking since I'm your roommate..."
"Erm... That's not a very good idea... I prefer you not to start smoking... I'm trying to stop myself too, actually," replied Darrel as he puts away the ciggeratte. "Oh well... I see. Don't you have any class tomorrow?" asked Alisa. "Nah... there's no classes on Friday, Saturday and Sunday."
"Oh...okay...anyway... I'm getting a little sleepy now. Goodnight Darrel," smiles Alisa. "Goodnight to you too, and sweet dreams," replied Darrel back. Darrel continues to look towards the sky, as he lits up a other ciggeratte. "Hmm... Alisa... No no no... I can't think of tackling my own roommate...No no...I'm too busy for love life now... Hope I can find a job tomorrow..."

_____Darrel woke up that morning. As usual, he wakes up and heads towards the washroom and brushes his teeth and takes a shower. As he walks to the living room, he was shocked to see there's eggs and bacon, a typical american breakfast on the table. Suddenly, Alisa greets him. "Good morning, Darrel. Breakfast is ready!" could I forgot...Alisa is renting a room here...remembered Darrel. "Thanks...It's actually okay not to cook anything..." said Darrel as he realised there's already the morning paper ob the table. "It's alright, I'm already used to it. By the way, I brought you today's morning paper for you," replied Alisa. "Well... I think I should pay for the food and the paper..." "Hey, no need... you're paying for the phone bill, electric bill, water bill... I don't want to add a other eating bill," joked Alisa as she laugh. "Ha ha... thanks..."
"By the way. You're looking for a part-time job, right?"
"Yes..." nodded Darrel as he reads the classfields section. "Well, there's a cyber-shop downstairs who needs a computer mantaincer." Darrel puts the paper down quickly. "Really? I'm gonna change into some clothes!"
"Hey...! Hold your feet! Eat your breakfast and then, brush your teeth again, then change into some clothes and go to the interview, okay?"
"Okay!" replied Darrel as he gobbles up his food quickly.

_____Alisa was washing the plates and cleaning up the kitchen. How long could I keep this up... thought Alisa by herself. How long can I run away from reality...? thought herself again. She then remembers her parents, her friends, everyone she knew. Then, she remembers the one whom she cared most. She remembers how she met that warm it was being with that sad it was when that person left her... Suddenly, tears came out as she started to cry...

_____Darrel rushed home happily that day. As he came home dancing, which made Alisa laughed watching him dance. "You got the job, I guess?" asked Alisa. "Yeah!! I got the job! RM850 per month! Sukoi!!! If I get my first pay check, you won't need to play your rent for 6 months! Hahaha!!" replied Darrel happily. "Gee...thanks..."
"I don't know what would I do without you! Hey, wanna go for a drink? My treat!"
"A drink...?"
"Yeah! You know how to drink, don't you?"
"No buts! Change into some clothes and let's go for a drink!" said Darrel as he pats on Alisa's back. Alisa is still 18 actually... But it seems Darrel have forgotten about her age. But this ignorance doesn't bothered Alisa at all. Cause it seems Darrel is treating her like a friend, which made Alisa smile.

_____KK's, a pub named after the town, Kota Kinabalu. It's always a up-going place where there's always people in every night to dance, drink and hear live bands. Darrel and Alisa was drinking beer behind the main counter. "This is for my new job and for you, if it wasn't for you, I won't get this job! Hahahaha! Kampai!!" "Kampai!" laughed Alisa happily. This is the first time she's being treated like this, being treated like a normal person. It's been awhile since she's being treated like this. "Hey, you want to know something?" asked Darrel. "What?"
"Today's actually my birthday..." smiled Darrel. "Ah! Really? My god... I didn't brought anything for you..."
"Hahaha... It's okay. I didn't realised it myself until I saw the calander there," said Darrel as he points the calander behind the counter. "Usually, I always spend my birthday in sleepland...hahaha..."
"But, isn't it lonely? Spending your birthday all alone."
"Haha...used to it anyway. Most of my friends are too busy to call me anyway. Hahaha...!" laughed Darrel happily. Alisa only looks at him. She could imagine how terrible it was to be all alone, without any friends with you. No wonder he treats me like this...He just needs a friend to be beside him... thought Alisa herself. Suddenly, Darrel's handphone beeped. Darrel picked his handphone and realised that he got a SMS message. 'LOOK BEHIND YOU' was the message on the phone. Darrel turn around, and saw a girl, smiling as she rans towards him. "Darrel! Imagine bumping you here! I wanted to call you to come but it seems I got lucky today!"
"Haha, nice to see you too Maylee! And why did you try to call me for?"
"Because today's your birthday, silly boy!" Maylee then saw Alisa. "Am I bothering something?" asked Maylee. "Nonono, not at all. Alisa, this is Maylee. Maylee, this is Alisa, a friend of mine." The two girls greeted each other. Maylee sat down and ordered a jug. "Since today's your birthday, let me treat you guys!"
"Hm...this is weird..." said Darrel. "What's wrong?" asked Maylee. "Alright, what happened between you and your boyfriend?" asked Darrel again. "Well...nothing wrong. Just that, we broke up again..." replied Maylee. "Oh...sorry I asked..."
"It's okay's okay," smiled Maylee. The jug appeared and Maylee poured a glass for her own and raise up her glass. "This is for you, Darrel! Happy Birthday!"
"Thanks!" All three of them cheered as they drink throughout the night.

_____Darrel and Alisa carried Maylee to Darrel's place. When they reached there, Darrel laid Maylee on his bed and kissed on her cheek as Maylee sleep. "Man, she do get drunk easily," said Darrel. "She was just depressed. I do feel sorry for her," replied Alisa. Darrel took out some extra pillows and a extra blanket. "So, where are you sleeping tonight?" asked Alisa. "Well, I can't sleep in my room tonight. She might have think I have raped her or something like that if I sleep together with her tonight. I'll sleep in the living room."
"Erm...why don't you sleep in my room tonight? I'll sleep on the floor and you can sleep on my bed."
"Hahaha...Thanks but no thanks..."
"Come on, it's hot in here. You will be sweating if you sleep here."
"Oh, alright."

_____Darrel couldn't sleep that night. It's because Darrel was not used to sleep in a girl's room. "Darrel? Arn't you asleep yet?" asked Alisa. "Well, yeah...guess I'm not used to sleep together with in one room."
"Really...? Hahaha...I'm used to it..."
"What's wrong?"
"I thought I was the first one to sleep one room with you..." Alisa laughed. "Sorry to dissapoint you, Darrel."
"Oh well, I'm not the luckiest person n earth anyway...hahaha!" laughed Darrel loudly. Alisa smiled. She went towards Darrel and gave him a nice sweet, short kiss on the lips. After that, he asked her, "What was that for?" Alisa smiled. "Your birthday kiss, of course."
"Haha... thanks for the kiss," smiled Darrel. Darrel came closer and gave Alisa a hug. Suddenly, he gave Alisa a other, but long, sweet, and warming kiss.

_____Maylee woke up that morning. She was surprised to see she's in Darrel's room. She quickly checks her private parts. She was relief and a little dissapointed to know she's still a virgin. Suddenly, Darrel pops out from the door. "Raise and shine, Maylee!" smiled Darrel. Feeling blur and still dizzy due to last night's drink, she stares at Darrel blankly. "Huh...?" said Maylee. "Wake up Maylee! Breakfast is ready...!"
"Breakfast...?" Suddenly, Maylee's face turn green. "Oh no... don't you dare throw up here...!" Darrel quickly carries Maylee to the bathroom and lets her vomit in the toilet bowl. Darrel rubs her back as she vomits. After finished vomitting, Darrel took a box of tissues and wipes the stain off Maylee's mouth. As he does that, Maylee's tears started to come out. "Maylee? Are you okay?" asked Darrel. Suddenly, Maylee cries louder. "Why are you acting like this? Why?!?"
"What's wrong Maylee? Are you okay...? Act like what...?"
"Like this! All nice and all... Why do you care about me for if I'm okay or not?? Why didn't you try to rape me or do something bad to me last night???"
"Shh...shh..." said Darrel as he tries to calm Maylee down by hugging her and rubs her back. Maylee calms down a little as she slowly hugs Darrel. "Maylee... I care for you because I'm your friend. I didn't not rape you because I'm not that kind of person. How many times we've been into situations like this, Maylee? You're asking the same question all over and over again. You should know how would I answer if you asks me this questions again..." said Darrel as he rubs Maylee's back slowly. Maylee only kept quiet. Suddenly, she smiles. "Ha ha... Yeah... It's my fault also... I guess I didn't choose the right guy again..."
"That's good to hear...", replied Darrel as he helps Maylee to stand. "You know, you're the only friend who would listen to all my problems and have a drink with me..."
"That's because I'm the only person dares to actually see you vomit and live through it," joked Darrel. "Are you saying my vomit stinks???" asked Maylee as she hits Darrel. "Then? Should I say your vomit is good to be eaten back?"
"Well, yes!"
"Don't make disgusting jokes here, Maylee..."
"Hahahaha!!" Without realizing, Maylee and Darrel was still hugging with each other. Maylee blushed a little as she aims her lips towards Darrel. Suddenly, Darrel stops her. "What's wrong?" asked Maylee. "Now don't you over acting over there. You know I couldn't kiss your because of two things. One, I only think of you as a friend. And two, don't expect me to kiss through that mouth of yours especially after you vomit..." Maylee only laughed. Darrel laughed and kissed her forehead. "Your spare toothbrush is on the usual place. Brush your teeth and join me and Alisa for breakfast," said Darrel as he heads out from the room. Maylee thought quietly as she brushes her teeth. Maybe she didn't get the right guy...cause the guy who she's looking for, it's just right in front of her eyes...

_____It was almost end of the month, and it's been already few weeks since Alisa stayed with Darrel. Their trust and friendship grew without them realizing it. One day, Darrel return from work, as Alisa greeted him home. "Hi! I'm home! Hm...! Nice smell...!" said Darrel as he enters the door. "Haha, I guess you must be hungry now, right?" smiled Alisa. "Well, just a little... Let's start eating!" Suddenly, Alisa paid RM60 to Darrel. "What's this for?" asked Darrel. "It's almost end of the month right? This is my rent of course!" replied Alisa. "Oh, your rent...I almost forgot that you're paying to rent here...haha..." Darrel looks at the money and return them back to Alisa. "I changed my mind. You're free to stay here. You always cook wonderful meals for me, even treat me a good friend," smiled Darrel. Alisa looks at him. She blanked for awhile before she refused to take her money back. Darrel insisted on giving back her money. "Okay then, how bout this then...Your fee to stay here is to cook meals for me everyday, okay?" asked Darrel. Alisa looks at him. She then smiled as she takes her money back. "Okay! It's a deal!"

_____Dear dairy... wrote Alisa in her dairy as she was alone in her room. Today was a fine day. Darrel got home from work and told me the most weirdest thing that ever happened to me. He asked me to stay here for free! Well, I don't care much actually about paying the rent...Cause I got lots of money...and well...It's not actually free actually...he just asked me to do his cooking for him as a fee to stay here...Oh well, I do like cooking. I guess this is okay for me...

_____Alisa stops writting a little while as she thought about more stuff. She then continues writing...Well, after dinner, Darrel even asked me to go out with him today! We went to the cinema and watch a show...then we went to the beach and have our second dinner there. And the most weirdest thing, he didn't even asked about my past! Well...I remembered he did asked me about my past when I moved in with him for the first time... but after that, no more...! He did asked few questions...on how do I feel living in one roof with him, and how do I able to cook delicously... I never had met a other guy like him before! Compare him with my ex, Darrel is far more better then my ex...

_____Alisa stopped writing again. It seems, she's been writing about Darrel, Darrel and Darrel. She then, felt a warm feeling in her heart. A soft and warm feeling, each time she thinks of Darrel. She froze for a little while, then she continues writing back...Is it me dairy, or I have been mentioning alot about Darrel...? Does this mean I like him? He do seems like a nice guy and all...and... Alisa stopped for a while. She raise up. Darrel have always treated her good as a friend. She also always have been supporting him with everything. She opens her door and enters Darrel's bedroom, where she saw him studying. "Yes, Alisa?" asked Darrel as he saw Alisa enters the room. Alisa thought for awhile. Darrel is everything she wants in a guy...kind, caring, friendly... She just have to tell him. "What's wrong, Alisa?" asked Darrel again. Alisa started mummering, "I...Darrel...I..."
"Yes...? Yes...?"
"Darrel... I... You..."
"I lik..." Suddenly, knockings were heard. "Oh, let me get that first," smiled Darrel. "Ah...Erm... Okay...", replied Alisa as she watched Darrel heads towards the door. "Dumb me!" said Alisa to herself as she smacked her own head. Suddenly, a scream was heard... "DARREL!!!" Alisa jumped when she heard Darrel's name being shouted out. She heads towards the main door, and to her surprised, Maylee was in front of the door and was hugging Darrel tightly as she cries on him. "What happened?" asked Alisa. "Her dad tried to rape her...", explained Darrel as he hugs and patted on Maylee's back. "And the bag?" asked Alisa some more as she saw a bag on the floor behind Maylee. Darrel sighted as explained, "Maylee wants to stay here..."

_____Alisa looks towards Darrel as she watched him carries Maylee's bags in. Alisa felt a little jealous and dissappointed. But, she's not suppose to, remind Alisa herself. She doesn't know that if Darrel likes her or not. She's a little afraid if their friendship would be lost by her feelings. Darrel brings Maylee to the sofa and calm her down. Maylee was crying heavily as Eddie pats her back. "There, there..." said Darrel as he rubs Maylee's back. "I...I...I don't know how who I should turn was the only one in my mind...I...I..." mummers Maylee. Darrel puts his finger on Maylee's lips. "Enough talking...It's okay..."
"I was so scared...I don't know what to do...I...I..." Darrel wipes Maylee's tears off her face. "Maylee, you sleep with Alisa tonight, okay?" said Darrel as he looks to Alisa. "Huh...? Sleep with me..? Ah... okay..."
"I...I want to sleep with Darrel...", said Maylee. Alisa looked at Maylee strenly. "Sleep...sleep with me...?" mummered Darrel. "Please say yes...I want to be close to you tonight...please...", begged Maylee as she hugs Darrel tightly. Darrel looks at Alisa. Alisa only gave Darrel and confused look. Darrel sighted. " can sleep with me tonight..."
"Thanks..." Maylee said as she hugs Darrel. Alisa looked at them. Feeling a little depressed, she silently slips into her own room.

_____Maylee was hugging Darrel as they sleep. Darrel couldn't sleep that night as he lay down silently. "Arn't you sleepy yet...?" asked Maylee. "Well...I guess I can't go to sleep while you hugging me like this...", replied Darrel. Maylee let's go and sat down on the bed. "Darrel...?"
"Yes, Maylee?", asked Darrel as he stood up and sat down on the bed too, facing Maylee. "If I asked you a question, would you answer it?"
"Well, depends on the question... What do you want to ask about?"
"Do Alisa...?"
"I only like her as a friend."
"Oh...okay...", said Maylee, as she felt a little relief. She then moved fowards towards Darrel. "Do I look...attractive to you...?"
"Well, a little..."
"Do you still like me, like me as before...?"
"Well... Just a little... It was you who decided it anyway...", replied Darrel, sounded as if he was a little angry. Maylee felt then remembered about her declining him becoming her boyfriend. She regretted recalling the past within him. "Sorry...", apologized Maylee. "It's okay. I guess I'm not that good anyway. Hahaha...", joked Darrel. Maylee moved forward a little further and gave Darrel a sudden kiss. Darrel looked at her and gave her a other kiss. Soon, they were starting to be kissing all over. They began to kiss on the lips, cheeks, neck, body... as they were kissing, Maylee slowly opens Darrel's shirt, as Darrel opened her clothes too and her undergarments. Then, they continued kissing again. They didn't had sex that night. It was just plain kissing without any clothes on. But for them, it was like a undescribrable moment together as they kiss together with passion.

_____The next morning, Darrel woke up. Darrel looked beside him. Maylee was hugging him tightly since last night. They almost made love. But Darrel didn't did it with her cause he thinks it's still to early for them to do it. Darrel smiled as he looked Maylee. He then gave Maylee a hug and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Maylee then woke up. She looked at Darrel and smiled. "Good morning, Maylee!", greeted Darrel. "Good morning, dear...!" greeted Maylee back as she hugs Darrel and smells his neck before kissing him. Darrel smiled. "You sleep here all you want. I need to take a bath first. Need to go out today," said Darrel as he kissed Maylee's lips. "Where are you going?" asked Maylee. "Well, out of course, pay the bills."
"May I come?"
"Haha, you need rest. Just stay here okay? Alisa need some company too."
"Okay..." answered Maylee before she lay down. She was happy though. Cause finally, she and Darrel are couples.

_____Alisa was making breakfast three of them. She heard both of them were kissing last night. She felt a little jealous towards Maylee. She was a little afraid if Darrel really likes Maylee. Alisa stood for a little while. Did they make love last night...? What if they did? What if Darrel really like it...? What if...Darrel...doesn't want me anymore...? thought Alisa by herself as she sat down on her chair, waiting for Darrel to come to the table first before Maylee. "Why the long face?" Alisa looked up, she saw it was Darrel. "Uh...nothing much..." replied Alisa. "Aw, come on. Was it last night? Sorry if I made to much noise last night..." Alisa gripped her hands tightly. "Erm...Darrel?"
"I know this may sounds dumb...but...did you know..."
"Ohhhhhhh! No, no, no! We didn't do it last night. It was just a normal kiss!"
"Oh? Really?" Alisa felt relief. "I didn't do it with her cause I'm not really sure if I really love her or not. I don't to rush over things, you know," explained Darrel. Alisa smiled. "I see...Anyway, you better eat your food before it gets cold!"
"Hahaha...! I will! Don't worry!", replied Darrel. Alisa looked at Darrel. She stood up and suddenly, she gave a kiss on his cheek. "What was that for?" asked Darrel. "Oh, nothing actually! Just feel like kissing you only!"

_____Maylee was taking a hot bath as she thought about last night. She touched her private parts. Then, she thought for a while...Why did Darrel took the advantage? They were kissing together, without any clothes...Maylee even opened her bra and continued kissing. Darrel even didn't do anything but just kissing her. Maylee then putted her finger in her private part, still a virgin...Why...? A lot of guys tried to force her in doing it. A lot of guys tried putting thier hands in it. A lot of guys tried to rape her. But only Darrel, Darrel is the only one who didn't even touch any part of her private parts while kissing. Only Darrel, won't try to have sex with her even though Maylee was half naked. Only Darrel, didn't take advantage of her when she's drunk, or high. Maylee sqeezes both of her breast. Why...? And why, is Darrel the only guy, is giving her one kind of feeling that her ex nor other guys gave...? Why it must be Darrel? And since Darrel was the one, why she didn't accept him before? Why? And after what she did on him, why is Darrel still treating her so well? Maylee bended down and kneeled, putting her hands on her face, as she started crying...

_____The three friends, Darrel, Alisa and Maylee were having dinner in a nearby seafood restorant. As they eat, they were having a normal conversation. Suddenly, Maylee asked Alisa a question. "Alisa, this may sounds weird but I never get to know your family's name nor anything about your family," asked Maylee. "Maylee... Don't ask her any personal question," warn Darrel. Alisa just stood quiet as she eats silently. "But, don't you just feel strange? She just popped out infront of your door and wants to stay in your place..."
"Maylee!" said Darrel as he slam on the table. Everyone looked at them. Alisa nodded down a little as she continues eating. Maylee nodded down a little as she whispered to Darrel slowly,"Sorry..." Everyone else continues their meal as the three friends eat silently.

_____Alisa was in her room all alone as she writes her dairy. Suddenly, a knock was heard. "Come in!" said Alisa. Darrel enters her room. "Hey, sorry about earlier on at the restorant," said Darrel as he scatched his head. "Nah, it's okay. What are you standing like a fool there for? Here, sit by me," said Alisa as she hides her dairy and leave a space for Darrel to sit on the bed. "Thanks...I'm really sorry about just now...Maylee is so busybody sometimes...", apologized Darrel as he sat beside Alisa. "Nah... It's okay. Where's Maylee anyway?"
"She's sleeping."
"Did you, scolded her or...?"
"Nah, don't worry...I didn't scolded her or anything. So don't worry or anything..."
"What's wrong Alisa?"
"Little while ago, when Maylee asked me the question. Why did you do that..?"
"Do what?"
" defending me and all...Arn't you intrested to know about my past?"
"Well...I just felt I should...Cause, if you wanted me to know your past, you should have told me about it before...I just, don't like forcing people to do stuff they don't like."
"Oh...okay..." Alisa smiled by herself. Suddenly, she lay her head on Darrel's shoulder. "Alisa...?"
"Shh...I just wanted to feel how does it feels like to lay down on your shoulder...", smiled Alisa. "Haha..." laughed Darrel. Alisa then asked Darrel, "If...I wanted to tell you about my past... do you really want to hear it...?"
"That depends..."
"If you really want to let me know, I will listen. If you don't want to, I won't force you to..." answered Darrel. Alisa looked at him, tears came out from her eyes. "Alisa...? Are you okay?"
"I...I..." mummered Alisa. "Shh...shh..." said Darrel as he tries to calm Alisa down. "Alisa...shh...shh...stop crying okay...?" Alisa looked at Darrel. She continues to cry as she hugs Darrel and continues to cry. Darrel hugs her as he rubs her back. Suddenly, Alisa gave Darrel a surprising kiss...Darrel was a little shocked for a while but after that, he continued to kiss Alisa again. Unknownly, both friends were kissing each other passionly throughout the night.

_____It was almost to 6a.m, a other 2 and a half more hours before dawn. Darrel woke up and realized, that he was in Alisa's room. Feeling a little blurry, he tries to remember what happened last night. All he remembered was they had a very good kiss together. Darrel checked if he still have his pants on. He felt relieve to see that his pants is still on him. Darrel looked at Alisa. She was still sleeping on the bed. He smiled and touched her cheeks. He then gave her a kiss on her cheek. He then headed back into his room. Maylee was still sleeping too. Phew...I hope she didn't realized I slept in Alisa's room for a few hours... thought Darrel to himself as he lay down beside Mayee. Before he shutted his eyes, he thought for a while...Do...Alisa like me...? She's kinna cute but...I just think of her as a it? Darrel then remembers all the stuff they did before Maylee moved in. Alisa always cooked for him, always greeted him home, always keeps the house clean, sometimes bake a cake or two for him...Darrel felt a little uneasy...Darrel then felt a warm feeling in his heart. As if, he needed to hug Alisa more. He then looked at Maylee. I like Maylee too...I admire her before...and now when we're finally together, why don't I feel like what I feel towards Alisa to Maylee? Is it because I like Alisa more...? thought Darrel to himself. Suddenly, Maylee woke up. "Dear...? Why are you still awake? Aren't you suppose to go to work later on...?"
"Oh, did I wake you up...? Sorry if I did. Well... I think I just can't go to sleep now..."
"Oh...poor Darrel..." Maylee then hugs Darrel tight. "Go to sleep dear...I'll wake you up later on, okay?" asked Maylee as she kissed on Darrel's lips. "Haha...okay...sorry to bother you..."
"'s okay...just go to sleep, okay dear?" Maylee smiled and gave Darrel a other kiss on the lips. Darrel smiled and give Maylee a kiss before he closes his eyes and sleep.

_____Few months past as the three friends continues life in the apartment. May Lee sometimes helps Alisa in the kitchen and soon, both girls becomes friends. Darrel sometimes do wonder, who is Alisa actually? He never asked her about her past since she cried to him that night and they kissed together. Darrel gets a little confuse with Alisa sometimes. As time goes by, they soon realised that it was almost Chirstmas. As Darrel returns back to the apartment, he soon realised that May Lee was hanging a mistletoe on top of the front door. Darrel smiled as he hugs Maylee from behind and gave her a kiss on her cheek. Maylee looked surprised and looked behind and smiled as she saw Darrel. "Hi dear!" greeted Maylee. "You should be careful when you hang that mistletoe. Someone you won't know might come behind and give you a kiss!"
"Haha, not much people in Malaysia know what's a mistletoe is and they don't know the advantage of standing under a mistletoe," smiled Maylee. "Haha! So and so, you're right," smiled Darrel as he heads in. He got a little surprised seeing Alisa too, was doing some decorating in the living room. She was already standing on a chair to put the top part of the tree. Darrel sighted. "Hai... Isn't it a little too early to put on a Christmas tree?" Alisa look behind and saw Darrel. She smiled. "Oh well, it's almost Christmas and...whoa..!!" Alisa got a little off balance as she tried to put the toppest part of the tree and fell. Darrel quickly grabbed her from behind before she falls on the ground. Darrel sighted once more and said to Alisa, "Don't you know, you should always assemble the tree first before putting it on the stand...never start out from the stand first!" Alisa smiled and blushed a little. "Well, this was my first time decorating a tree..." Darrel laughed and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Oh well, at least you tried! Here, let me put on the top. After this, let have dinner and together, we decorate the tree, together, okay?" Alisa smiled and replied, "Okay!"

_____The three friends decorate the tree by themself. As they decorate, they seem to enjoy decorating the tree. "This is the first time I ever decorated a tree actually," said Alisa. "Really?" surprised Darrel. "Wow, didn't you ever decorated a tree before?" asked Maylee. " parents was too busy with their work and got no time for celebrations..." said Alisa with a weak smile. Darrel looked at her and patted her back. "Well, at least you're decorating the tree with us now, right?" smiled Darrel. "Yup! You now will get decoration skills from me!" said Maylee proudly. "Erm...Maylee...? The lights are out from the main course..." said Darrel as he pointed out the christmas lights turning towards a other direction. "Oh my God! My mistake!" Alisa then laughed to herself.

<BGSOUND SRC="Josie_and_the_Pussycats_-_Three Small_Words.mp3" LOOP=INFINITE>