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Snakebite Comics IS MOVING

So APPEARANTLY there's another guy in this buisness who already has the alias "Snakebite" ... go figure. Ya see, this is why I think God hates me. Even in my recreational activities he has to throw a wrench in the works. lol, so I'll be moving all this over to a new site with a new name and hopefully some good (and by good I mean non-shitty) comics... by the way, if you wanna mail me some suggestions for my comics or even a good name for them, feel free to, I love feedback! send it to my e-mail, located at the bottom of this page, thanks for the feedback..

...and thanks to all my friends and fans for my support with this, I know Ive really fallen behind, about 2 months to be accurate.. but with school and this whole "Graduating" bullshit, it's been rough on my priorities. I'll be certain to get this site back up and running smooth as Gwen Steffani's silk bedsheets!

Yeah, so then about those comics...

2-08-04 MurderQuest *Newest*
2-05-04 To my good friend Beans
1-30-04 New Sword!
1-26-04 A Story Begins
1-25-04 While You're Waiting
1-21-04 When Jesus gets bored
1-18-04 A little taste of things to come

