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There's no place like...the circus! Did I actually update since the last time you were here? Old comics, old news, old socks... The history, details, info about PD COmics...don't fall asleep! Not in comic format? No problem. Check out these sites...they're good for you.

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Penny Arcade = best webcomic out there. ~notice the period!
VG Cats...cats that play video games...what more could you ask for? (besides money, sex, drugs!)
Pocket House has nice comics about Gunbound.
Snafu is my hero...a not-so-consistently-drawn comic that's popular!
This Comic Sucks: A comic updated about once or twice a month and still a inspirational!
Elijah and Azuu: updated daily and full of horny, violent, hilarious, otherworldly beings! (Talk about fun for the whole family...)
Questionable Content: Indie music lovers and a cute lil robot. A match made in heaven.
The Webcomic List lists the webcomics that shows which sites have posted new comics. They've grown freakishly fast...worth a look, then if I EVER get to consistent updating, I'll submit this site too!

A great, free website hit counter with thorough statistics.
Create a shorter/easier-to-remember URL. This service also provides additional tools for webmasters.
Polykarbon is all about easy and thorough tutorials for basic drawing to special, computer-generated effects.
Get Firefox Mozilla Firefox is 100x better than Internet Explorer and Mozilla makes other cool crud too...check it out: Example.
A lovely plug-in for AIM. Forget DeadAIM or those other programs which require money, Aimutation does everything from tabbed windows to skins ...all for the cost of FREE!
Great site for fonts. Not just comic stuff either. Free, easy, go visit.
Very nice anti-adware/anti-spyware program. It's free, and has gotten tones of critical acclaim.

Notepad++ - Lovely tool that out-performs the normal notepad in every respect. Made with programmers in mind, it has a list of a ton of programming languages to choose from and will then color-code text, highlight codes, and a ton of other stuff that I don't have time to write about.
Ad-Aware - Great+free anti-adware/anti-spyware program that has earned tons of great reviews.

RPG Eternal. A friend's latest project. He's the dude who helped me start out making websites and his site is just amazing...but it needs help...YOUR help! *gasp
My very first website...a horrible clan site, but at least it's chock full of content...unlike this dump.
A Nintendo fansite. Currently only has forums and no actual site (they're working on it), but the forums rock and have been around for years. I'm the dude with the PD Comics banner in his signature ;)
A series of flash cartoons about a cute little, violent, high-trained, deadly boy-ninja. Great animation and music...definitely TV/Movie-worthy.
Naruto Chuushin has the Naruto manga and anime show ready for download!
Gunbound is a really kickass online game that anyone can enjoy (because it's free)!