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Episode 33 - "Salad Days"

"Lemon curry?"

Original Broadcast Date: Nov. 30, 1972

Attempted Synopsis: The opening organist starts off strangely clothed, but thankfully, he is denuded before the opening credit; The Adventures of Biggles [While Dictating a Letter]; mountain climbers tackle the challenge of a busy city street; housewives manfully handle domestic living on a lifeboat; an expose on storage jars; a summation of the show up to this point; an unlucky customer goes to a cheese shop that is quite out of cheese; Sam Peckinpah's turn-of-the-century romp "Salad Days"; an announcer closes the show by telling us there's no more show left.

Review: The ideas here seem better than their execution. The "Cheese Shop" sketch seems a lot faster and funnier when performed on the Pythons' Matching Tie and Handkerchief album. And while one can appreciate the joke of graphic movie violence imposed upon a quaint, Meet Me in St. Louis-type setting, in hindsight it can be seen that Python comedy got a lot gorier from this point on, and inspired a lot of uninspired bad taste from future Python imitators.

Priceless Gag: Biggles assists his secretary by doffing antlers whenever he's dictating the parts of his letter that he actually wants transcribed.

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