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Hello... My name is

Physical Attributes

Species: Fox Hybrid
Gender: Male
Age: Hard to determine because of the heavy clothing
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 190lb
Build: Compact

If the pointed hat wasn't enough to draw your attention, maybe the smell of cookies would. Such a strange looking creature indeed. Hidden mostly by robes of blue and shadows produced from no source of light, he moves silently over the ground. Bare feet travels through grass and over stone, barely leaving a mark...

A brief History:
In the beginning there was perfect darkness... and when the great creator spoke “Let there be light!”, the darkness was pierced by an arrow of brilliance, separating night from day, demon from angel, and life from death... But there are those who wish to return to that perfect darkness...

All I can tell you is that without a good grasp of physics, most of his abilities don't make much sense. However, some of the basics include but are not limited too: the ability to observe, copy, replicate, and improve other abilities AKA Blue Magic. Unlike a White Mage or a Black Mage, a Blue Mage is not limited to destructive or curative spells only. Instead his powers come from others, learning what they use and produce, and making it his own. Sikaro can not only copy other techniques, but also add a bit of personal flare.

Now for something completely different...

Good news to all your Furcadia players out there, I have made a battle system that (so far) has been pretty fun and has had no negative feed back. This system is used in my own dream as an experiment for the continuity. It's worked pretty well over all, and if you have any questions/comments, then just whisper me.

 SKO Battle System

Personal Battle System Information

Atk: 25
Def: 45
HP: 450
EP: 165
EA: Dark
SkLvl: 10
Exp: 9

Dark Skills

Dark Force


Expend 10 EP to blast your opponent in a wave of dark energy. Roll like a regular attack +#.



Attack normally but use EP instead of your attack strength, every point of damage dealt to your opponent is put into your HP.

Custom Skills



Expend 30 EP to use the last technique displayed on the battle field, regardless of EA (Use of this technique replaces the attach post with an identical post of previous attack).

Mighty Shield


Use 40 EP to reduces a players Atk to 0 and gives those points to their Def for # number of turns.

Piercing Claws


Use 50 EP to reduces a players Def to 0 and gives those point to their Atk for 1/2# number of turns.

Dark Gifts


EP is directed into number of dice rolled instead of number on the di.



Cuts EP usage by half.