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The Siege Den

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Siege Den World News

Sieged Wramblings

      Not many people can find this place. It takes a certain something to find pages with this convoluted an address; a certain tenacity, a certain drive, a certain amount of free time (too much). Truly, this site ain't much, just a little test of my abilities. Since I'm a college student and broke, I got pop-ups. Sorry.

      So, basically, you've stumbled, probably aimlessly, across the site of a deranged, psuedo code-maker, one who speaks much, but says little (you may have noticed I have not really told you anything of myself in this period of time. I'm paranoid. And you're out to get me. I'm on to you). Essentially what I'm trying to say here is

      Right now, there's not much do do at this site. I'm the first to admit it. That's basically because I had no idea, when I started (eg., today)(Which is actually a while ago, now, but that's the miracle of time, neh?), what I wanted to do with this site. I'll let you know when I do. If I do. There is, however, one thing you can do, and that is check out the World News(Updated 2/3/03). Oh, yes.

      Now, if there are any among you who have visited this site before, first thing is: Why are you back here? I mean, it's not all that enthralling, you know? And, number two, you may have noticed a defference in layout of both this page and of the most recent installment of SDWN ('All the S#!t that's Fit to Print'). This is because I am getting half-way decent at this whole coding thing, and can do funky things. Expect more troubling reformatting later.


Come to think of it, there are actually two things to do, I suppose. You can always email me at (another free thing. Watch me be low-budget). But who would want to, right?

All right, so now, in March of the year of 2003, barely two months after I started this fairly self-absorbed site, I now have three, yes, count them, three things that you can do. If, for some obscure reason you have a desire to listen to what I think, you can now go and check if I've posted any new Sieged Wramblings. Now all three of you returning visitors can learn that here at the Siege Den, we are, in fact, serious about some things. Not many, and certainly not everything, but some.

No updates in a while, but that's okay, because no hits in a while, either. Or perhaps ever. Since I don't have a hit counter, I never really know if anyone visits this site but me. Which is, in a lot of ways, kind of creepy, but hey, life is meant to be lived, not hidden. At least, that's my excuse for leaving the asylum every Thursday. It's amazing they haven't caught on yet. Anyway, another Sieged Wrambling in the works, but nothing new posted just yet. Soon, though. When they let me have a computer for more than twenty minutes. Ha ha.

Update: Correctly reformatted the only SDWN page to have been subjected to the aforementioned troubling recoding. Also wrote this. Go me!