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The Official Shirtless Teo Website


Shirtless Teo 3 : The Beginning - Planning on it? no clue, just thought of it on the spot

Last Updated:11:43 September 28, 2005(middle of computer class, cause there's nothing better to do)

Remember, Something MUST Be Precise to be a Process Remember, Something MUST Be Precise to be a Process Remember, Something MUST Be Precise to be a Process

If you have tried to email me in the past year at the account of, I am sorry but that account was hacked around a long time ago and I havent gotten any of your emails, check below for my new email address

To Do List

  • Get a job, a freakin job so I'm not poor.
  • get money. buy watch. smile.Alot
  • make Shirtless Teo 3!woopidily doo!

First time here? if your confused then let me explain

The Official Shirtless Teo site is a website dedicated to show the world the magnificance of shirtlessness, especially in a certain individual named Teo. overall, this is just a project I have made when I was bored, and I dont really know how I thought it up but I just felt like making a website so I did. Fictionally, Shirtless Teo is a "hero" going around saving the world from whatever he thinks is dangerous, from people threatening to put out a line of mind controlling shirts, to short people and a legion of leprecauns ST made up in his mind. overall, Shirtless Teo is nothing but pure, %100, abs of steel truth

maybe more later

If you want to contact Shirtless Teo, and converse about how great he is, you can contact me with email or msn at