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Stick Figure Style

Stick Figure Style

Hello my peeps. I'm Chase and this is my site. At first the only reason why i made this site was because i wanted to show people my movies. But then i decided i wanted to see other peoples (that means your) movies. I make animated movies... stick figure movies to be precise.

If you would like to contact me and get your movies put on this site you can contact me at:

Here is the first movie i ever made... on the computer anyways. It took me 2 weeks to make and only lasts 1 minute and 40 seconds.

I think it's pretty good for a first time. Well I hope you like this feature presentation. And remember to contact me if you want your movies on the web. Stick Halo

This site WILL be updated every month starting January 1st. The movies that will be released on that date(by me at least)will be:

Street Fight


Ino 2

The Stick Mafia

The stick Mafia 2

In the mean time send me your movies and i will put them up for EVERYONE to see.