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<b>See Spot!

See Spot!

This is the See Spot home page, home to yours truly, Zixer. Now I will admit that that is not my real name. What type of person would name their child that? (Don't answer that.) But for now you may call me Qraisi, Zixer, Zix, or even Carolyn (my real name). Now for a little history. Spot was created on a hot August morning by me while I was supposed to be taking notes in 3rd period Spanish. A few doodles and voila! Now the original Spot is my stuffed tiger; I can't draw tigers so I turned him into a dog. Now i know youre all wondering: Zix, how do you do it? The answer: I'm insane. So now I spread to you the wonderful joy of Spot in all of his glory!

The Cast:

Zixer: Insane bearer of sharp pointy things, approach with caution. Also comic writer/artist.

The Characters:

Spot: An apathetic small male spotted dog of currently unknown pedigree. Protagonist.

Spot's Occupations: Thief, Doctor Pawvorkian, Corrupt Business Dog/Mob Boss, Teacher, Assassin/Hit Dog, Princess of Darkness, Mercenary, The President, Mr. X, and Secret Agent

Quintrix: Spot's Arch Nemesis, alien duck bent on taking over the world. Gender unknown.

Bruno: Spot's Henchdog, knee breaker, philosipher, super hero. Gender: male (I think).


