Here we have our news archives; backlogs of updates from the past. They may have something relevant or even noteworthy in them, but please don't hold us to any promises we've made in the past, as for those brief seconds we were either intoxicated or sleep-talking, depending on the time.

Counting down the seconds...
11:55 AM
February 25, 2003
Posting: Mister H
Yeah, that's right. I'm counting down. To what, you ask? Well, a number of things, most of which you won't give a rat's ass about. But, I'm going to tell you anyway. Just try and stop me!

First and foremost for me today is the countdown to when this day finally ends, as I have Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and the coming Monday completely off. Ahh, das is gut, ja? I'm still not sure what I'll be doing over that time, but expect some things in the way of more updated SCD graphics, some new content (rant section, H to the X finally being up, maybe a new silent film, et cetera), and perhaps I may even come to the end of Divine Divinity, as I'd like to finish it before I write a review. However, until then, if you see a copy of this game, BUY IT~! That is, unless you inhumanly loathe isometric RPGs, or whatever. If you liked Diablo or Ultima in the least, Divine Divinity is for you; just be prepared for a much more challenging and deep game.

Secondly, I'm counting down to the release of Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. I don't even have a Gamecube, but as soon as Greg gets a copy of this game, he'll have a hard time getting rid of me, I tell you what. In addition, if you reserve this game it comes with a NGC re-make of Ocarina of Time, as well as the new "Master Quest", which I am being told is another re-make of Ocarina, with more enemies, greatly cranked-up difficulty, and such.

In more gaming news, watch for Splinter Cell to be coming to the NGC and PS2 very soon. Apparently, the NGC version was made without a hitch, but there were a few problems with the PS2 port. So many so, in fact, that in order to get the game, Sony will have to pay for the re-building of the graphics engine form the ground up. However, that last part's a second-hand rumor, so take it with numerous grains of salt. For me, this is one less reason to buy an X-Box and one more reason to buy an NGC, though I'm not really counting down to this one, I just though I'd slip it in.

Of course, I'm also counting down the days until I get to move into St. John's, where I'll finally not be in Glenwood / Appleton. However, you don't care about that in the least, yet I do immensely.

I'm also counting down to lunch, which actually isn't as far away as I had thought.

One last thing before I go. Don't pay any attention to that last post. We here at SCD are sorry for that assault on your intelligence. All those responsible have been sacked.

Sir H-alot

10:11 AM
February 21, 2003
Posting: X
HA HA HA! HE PLAYS POKEMON! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Wait a second... I've turned into everyone else... *watches hand morph to gang symbol* OH GOD NO!!!!! *hurtles self off of bridge*


Daily news posts? Now, don't get greedy.
11:30 PM
February 20, 2003
Posting: Mister H, who also is helluva tough.
Well, I'm here, it's 11:30 in the night, I'm listening to Megadeth, something is happeneing on Smackdown in the background, I think it's ending or something like that.

Oh, that reminds me. you all better have watched WWE tonight, I tell you what. No, not for the wrestling... Benoit is stuck fighting Ape-Train and Angle is just going to dodge Lesnar for another week, so it's pretty ass-tastic in general. I'm talking about the commercial for Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker that aired during the first hour or so of the broadcast. It was 20 seconds or so that truly reeked of awesomeness. Oh it's true.

Any of those "Look at me, I'm so mature" forum goons who dismiss The Wind Waker as childish tripe because of the cell-shaded graphics, are assclowns whose vile seed should be purged from the planet. I'm talking "Gamer Cleansing" here. Despite what anyone else says, believe you me: Wind Waker will be nothing short of excellent. Even those who are not in favor of cell-shading should give it a try; just imagine for a second the insane frame rates possible and the uber-silky-smooth effects it can offer. But don't take my speculation for it, take it from a man who's played the game. Of course, I mean Safety Monkey, and his review of the Japanese version of Wind Waker.

Next story: the upcoming Pokemon games for GBA. "Oh, come on now," you say. "Pokemon is just more childish crap." Well, not really, no. The cartoon is utter refuse, and the merchandise would better serve mankind under the smouldering waves of Acheron (oooh, mythology reference! I'm just that good). But, the games themselves are great little RPGs, with hundereds of possible party and technique combinations, if lacking a bit of difficulty. The new installments in the series, namely Sapphire and Ruby (we talking chipped? Flawless? Damn, I'm on a roll here) feature 135 new Pokemon and one of the aspects that I said should have been there since the beginning; namely, 2-on-2 battles. GASP! That's right, boys and girls! It's not all one on one anymore! I smell a much re-vamped strategy system just thinking about it, and coupled with the sheer number of combinations in a game such as this, a smattering of strategical elements is just what this series needs to become a serious RPG contender.

However, there is a bit of a catch-22... or, a catch-202 in this case. You see, you can only catch 202 of the 386 Pokemon in these games, and you can't trade with the older versions. Now of course, you know Nintendo has multiple schemes to make even more money, and it's quite probable there will be some way to unlock these 184 missing monsters, most likely with the purchasing of more hardware / software. ROM hackers hare apparently found the graphics for the rest of the Pokemon, so they're in there, somewhere. Can you say GBA Gameshark, boys and girls?

If you're interested in more Sapphire of Ruby goodness, hit Gamespy's Sapphire and Ruby preview. Hey, I had to pinch this info from somewhere, right?

In boring SCD news, I'll confirm that my Lunar Legend review is up, but I'm too tired to link to it from here. Just go to "Console Reviews" in that bar to the left and find it for yourself, you lazy slacker. I'm also still firmly hooked on Divine Divinity. I am so completely at the mercy of this game it's not funny. My days seem shortened to DD sessions and short nether-times when I do stuff like this, maybe even eat, or try to finish that Calculus worksample I really should be working on right now. Aww, forget it. I'm going to bed. Please refrain from hurling insults at me until morning, when I'll be far too tired and zoned out to care in the least.


Divinity in the Divine sense.
10:30 AM
February 19, 2003
Posting: Mister H, who very much pities the fool.
Unless you're paying pretty close attention to the gaming industry, you won't get the meaning of my title. Well, let me enlighten you a little.

This past weekend, I was browsing through the PC games at our local Wal-Mart, a store that generally has only the most mainstream of PC games in existence (about a third of the titles are "The Sims" expansion packs, and the majority of the rest come from Blizzard or EA). It's rare to see a game there that isn't a media hype darling for its producer. However, it completely blew my mind when I say ONE copy, one lonely copy in a slightly brusied box, of Divine Divinity staring back at me from the shelf. I forced myself to blink repeatedly, for to see as little-known a title as this in Wal-Mart must be a sign form the heavens.

In case you don't know, Divine Divinity is what appears to be a Diablo-esque RPG from little-known Belgian developer Larian Studios. In actuality, it showcases an amazingly deep world, with a wonderful NPC system, involved storyline, and varied skills that makes a Diablo 2 / Divine Divinity comparsion look like comparing hopscotch to astrophysics.

Needless to say, I grabbed the box greedily, clutching it to my chest and muttering things about "my precious" under my breath in a raspy voice. I paid the $35 gladly (we hates nasty Wal-Mart employees, don't we precious?) and hurried home to fill 2.2 gigs of my harddrive with redundant-titled goodness. What did I think of it, you ask? Well, it's so deep and challenging that I'm still not near the point to write a review. But soon precious, yes...

In other news, I've attained a copy of photoshop off Rob, and used it to create some nifty new graphics for the site (and there's more to come, too). I added some more to the "Funnies" section, as well as general updates here and there. I've also got a Lunar Legend review to upload, expect it by this evening or so. And that... is true. It's damn true! Whooooo!

Baron von H

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you...
8:33 PM
February 13, 2003
Posting: Wackypants Son of Crazytrousers

Wood Allen.

so yah, no real "update" to speak of, I'm just updating out of boredom. I'm Wackypants, by the way. How.


Fastest update yet!
2:10 AM
February 8, 2003
Posting: Mister H
I guess that's not such a big feat when your update hardly contains anything of value, eh?

Well, we're not totally devoid of new content. I've got a new picture gallery up, of a trip myself and X took exactly one week ago. Now, that may sound boring... and it would have been, had it not been for the fact that we had some company, and a huge heaping of wackiness to boot. Check it out now!

By the way, I'd like to make some more empty promises that may or may not come true. I've got more screenshot galleries and reviews on the way from various sources, as well as perhaps a new silent film to boot. Oh, and Hellanet continues to go strong... don't forget to check them out too!

Duke of Hington

Based on a true story
4:18 PM
February 6, 2003
Posting: X
Well, its a great day for hellanet, we got a new comic done within 2 weeks of the last one! This has got to be a record or something.

So in other site news, H-San is currently working on updating the pics from our journey to Grand Falls... and by working on I mean saying that he's working on them while he goes off to play D2. Sorry to be a tad short-winded but this is pretty much all thats important for today.


Guten Tag!
2:55 PM
February 4, 2003
Posting: Mister H
So here we are, all open and stuff. Yeah. I guess you could say we're offically open here now at SCD... but there's not exactly much new stuff since last time. However, we've got some plans... well, just wait and see.

this past weekend myself and X went out to Grand Falls. I normally wouldn't waste your time telling you this, but this time it has some relevance to the site. We were hanging around with Matt and Robin (who I'm not quite sure what they want me to call 'em online, so I'll use first names for now), which led to a crazy compiliation of photos soon to be uploaded, and my acquiring of EVERY LAST EPISODE of Cowboy Bebop, which will capture my attention for quite a while now. But I digress. Rob and Matt have quite the collection of various insanity lying around, and both have amazing artistic talent, so I'll see if we can get them to contribute some of their stuff to SCD. Hey, we've got a "Seriousness" section too... we'll take artwork, reviews of any kind, or whatever.

And by the way, it's confirmed that The Durdle will be coming online soon as our own music reviewer, as well as a contributor of various hilarious crap and stuff. Oh it's true. It's damn true!

Untersturmbanfuhrer H

NEW!!!....Absolutely Nothing
6:50 PM
January 31, 2003
Posting: X
Yeah... Hey all you marvelous Hellanet fans out there (all four of you).

This is the letter man himself just comfirming that I, in fact DO update this site from time to time. So anyway, in comic news, pants is still a lazy imbred ponce whom may or may not have a comic drawn by sunday, I WRITE THESE FOR A REASON Y'KNOW!!!!!!

So I guess you can say the site is open now.. woo. I honestly expected more strippers and booze for this joyous occasion, but I'll take what I can get.


They tricked me!
10:40 PM
January 23, 2003
Posting: Mister H
Dastardly villians... putting me on like this! I didn't agree to this! I've been conned, dammit! CONNED I SAY~!
Oh, in case you're wondering what I'm so worked up about, check the brand spankin new Hellanet comic. If we can get ones like this coming at least once a week, we'll easily have one of the best new webcomics out there. However, that's a pretty big IF, heh heh.

Besides that, we've got some new content up... plus, I'm working on another compiliation of photos for my gallery, as well as a review and small screenshot gallery for Lunar Legend for the GBA, which I recently purchased. Stay tuned!

Comrade H

I think I can... I think I can...
8:55 PM
January 12, 2003
Posting: Mister H
Yeah, I know, it's almost two weeks after our originaly slotted grand opening date. But, I guess you could look at this as not pushing the proverbial "game" out the door before it's done, or something like that. I promise, you won't have to download any patches to enable multiplayer or stop the thing from freezing.

However, a lot of the content pages are up and running now, and some with a substantial amount of stuff on 'em. Only the Forum, parts of the "Other" section and "H to the X" are not up at all as of yet. the "Other" sections should follow soon, and perhaps "H to the X" as well, but that one's going to be a lot more time consuming. As for the forum, well, we might end up linking to an existing forum, like maybe Perfect Existence if Hype will let me, despite how I have been all but absent from PE since... well, a long time.

Either way, SCD is rapidly expanding, and if we could get some content from our contributors on a regular basis of some form ("never" isn't a regular basis) then we'll really see this place expand. This site could be amazing, but it's going to take some work. Remember... "If you build it, they will come." Oh it's true.

Monsieur H

Opening postponed... of course.
7:15 PM
January 1, 2003 -- New Year's Day
Posting: Mister H
Well, as if you all didn't know this was coming. Our grand opening is postponed... well, it's wasn't exactly going to be very grand in the first place, but you get the picture. We're plodding on dilligently toward our goal, however... more sections of the site are opening up by the day, and I hope to get Silliness and Hellanet up and running before school re-opens (that being Monday coming).

With that said, I'm off to do some more updating, and stuff. I haven't done anything with my journal for a long time, I know... that's mostly since I've been working on this site. Ah well, I'll get some done on that too, eventually.

Herr H

3:41 PM
December 24, 2002 -- Christmas Eve!
Posting: Mister H
Yes, at long last, here it is... the layout all up and running, what with the many spiffy mouseover thingies for the links, and whatnot. Something Completely Different is shaping up to be quite a design work, and I hope I can keep on my schedule for having this site officially open on New Year's Day. That means having the layout all done and bug-less, as well as most of the content up and running, to a certain degree at least. Don't expect reviews for every game of 2002 up by then or anything, but there should be some content in each of those links to the left. Heh... let's see if I can keep my own deadline for once, eh?

Senior H