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(03.19.03)Was going to put this on hold for my other manga...

But I found some old comics, and don't feel like abandoning it feeling bad, after reading imoutosan's rant on Trixture, and then with going to war and well...I'll be posting some previously made comics as fillers until I can get the time away from scholarships to get anything-even and demon homicidal chicken-done. It won't be updated anywhere near regular...but maybe people will still come^^?;; if they ever did...;;; nyu, stay frosty all...and thanks for the patronage!!

(2.1.03)Drunken Misery

Sometimes I think I care about other people too much. I sacrafice so much time for other people that I never manage to enjoy myself. For example, last night I went out clubbing with some friends of mine. We were taking out the new girl because she wanted to go out, so we off we went. I was looking forward to dancing a lot and spending time with my friends, but things didn't go exactly as planned. The new girl left early because she got a stomach ache, but two friends of mine, who were dating (not so sure now) were having an argument. This had been going on for the past couple of weeks and last night was the first time they'd seen each other in a while. I won't name names, so for now, lets just got my guy friend Bob (how original!) and my girl friend Jane. So Bob and Jane were ignoring each other, and well, Bob got really depressed. Next thing you know he's drowned 8 shots of tequila. Now Bob and I are good friends, so of course I feel incline to check to make sure he's okay. I had no idea that I would be spending the next half hour or so hovering outside of the boy's bathroom while he puked. My other guy friends came over to help, which is good since I couldn't exactly go into the boy's bathroom. I bought him water, and them coffee with salt (its suppose to help...some way or another) so after coughing up most of my money I waited outside some more. Finally I knocked on the door and my brother answered. Well, he and my other friends decided if we could get Bob out into some fresh air then that would be really helpful. Now where is Bob's girlfriend? She's still at the bar, raging mad at Bob for purposefully getting drunk. (I found out later that he did in fact, intend to get drunk) So Jane is ignoring Bob when he needs her most. It was up to us. It was barely after 11:00 when we got Bob up the stairs and outside. Yes, the night was going splendidly! Patting Bob's back as he threw up outside was exactly what I had in mind for a good time! We decided another good remedy for Bob would be a spoonful of vinegar. Problem number one: We didn't have a spoon. Problem number two: We didn't have any vinegar. What I wouldn't give for a Safeway in Romania! But alas, there are no supermarkets open at 11:30 at night. So Bob's friend (who I just met that night) and I go out on the epic quest for vinegar. We didn't find any. We found "Bitter Lemon" My understanding is it tastes a lot like Theraflue. (eeew x.X) So we go back, not-so-triumphant, and force Bob to drink it. Not much more happened after that, mostly it was me holding onto Bob so he did't fall over and patting his back and handing him tissues to wipe his mouth. We were all outside by then, even Jane, but she still didn't talk to him. Eventually Jane and another friend left, before it was even twelve I think, and then we got a cab around 12:30. To make things worse, my brother wasn't exactly "stable" from his drinking either. Thank god Bob's friend was only drinking coke that night, otherwise I'd have three drunk guys in one cab. x.X Anyway, everything turned out okay. Bob got inside his house without falling on his head, my bro sobered up and held his own, and Bob's friend took us home.

This is just one of three times that this has happened. Not with the same people, all different people. But it seems like the more I go out to clubs, the more I have a bad time because I'm holding back someone's hair as they throw up, or I'm slapping a guy because he's drunk and harrassing my friend. My bro says he wishes he had the patience that I have with people, and that not many people would sacrafice their own time to take care of their friends. For me, it seems like a natural thing to do...I can't imagine dancing while my friend sits outside in the rain and throws up while sulking in his own misery. Instead I chose to stand out in that rain with him. I don't know, I probably shouldn't complain. Sometimes I feel like other people don't appreciate what I do for them, or if they do I'm certainly not aware of it. Whatever it is, the next time I go out to a club, I hope nobody decides to get drunk. =)