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Arwen Ravencroft's Sailor Moon Scrapbook


View the Book of Dreams
Sign the Book of Dreams

This is my site dedicated to the best anime ever, Sailor Moon! I hope that everyone enjoys this page! It is told in the first person by your host, Serena! Enjoy!

This site will focus mainly on the series from the original Sailor Moon to the end of Sailor Moon R. The reason? I don't really like the outer senshi. And it really bugs me that everyone's voice got so whiny when they translated Sailor Moon S and Super S to English. Does that bother anyone else?
This is not to say that I will not cover information from S and Super S but these sections will be more brief.

I apologize to those of you who use webtv. The font is huge and the music on the following pages isn't as good as it is on a regular computer. Also, nothing is lined up the way I had it. Sorry. I hope you enjoy it anyway!

Click on the link below to travel back in time to the beginning of our story.

The Beginning.....
Visit the Links of Power.....