RyanLand! has moved to ryanstuff.com!

Disclaimer: I am not, in any way, affiliated with Microsoft, Nintendo, Capcom, or whoever made and owned Oh My Goddess. Oh, and sorry to my cuzin and WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey everyone! For a cya lata party for my dear little comics/ryan site, why dont we have everyone please go to my RPG chat room to chat on Sat! i'll be there all day, so maybe cya there. Don't forget to sign my guestbook AND go to my site tonight. I'll be posting the name later on. Well, it's been a good couple of weeks with ya, and you've been a good 174 visitors. Oh, and whoever is the 175th, please write in my guestbook that you were, maybe drop me an email at risingneko@hotmail.com. Hey, i guess from tonight on, it'll be Ryan@(undislosed till tonight).com soo. Well, this has been a good site. Angelfire rocks! Bye!!! Then again, you might be seeing me later at my new sight. This'll be the last casual update this site will see :'-) Well, I guess I better go draw something. Expect the site and site name later on tonight.
Final Real Update
Thank You

Wow! I might be moving soon to my own .com tonight. Yes yes yes!!! Well, gotta go.

Wai!!! Hahaha. Hopefully you noticed my beautiful OMG pic that I am showing. Its only part of it tho, actually. Well, well, well, well, hmmmmmmm... I am coming off my drawing sabbatical soon. That means you get the manga (yes, I'm thinking about changing it from comic strip to manga) a little sooner than planned. And part of the site will be a gallery of RyanArt. Alrighty then, cya.
PS, The OMG pic will always be here, but I might move it to the Other Peoples Drawings gallery.

Hey, I just noticed that I am OVER 150 PEOPLE!!!
Yay for me!

Hahaha, I think alot of anime girls are hot. Then again, what anime fan guy doesn't? What's up with the name "Belldandy" tho? It sounds like she is the fairy of bringing us honeysuckle. Which I had at my old house. Yum... Honeysuckle. I wonder why they don't jar a bunch of it and sell it? I should do that. It'd take forever tho. That's probly why. We'll, expect a comic sometime this week, because I have the first one laid out and i am ready to make a better drawing of and scan it on my gma's comp. We have a old scanner, but it requires a Scuzzy (hahaha) board, so... Alright,

I put up the RPG thing. If you happen to be coming by, cya at 6.

Hey guys and gals. Drawings coming along great. Whelp, I am bored. Haha, whelp. Im a dork. Anyways, I think I'll go find a good chat to put on my site so that everyone who comes here to my site can Roleplay. Hum-de-dum. Oh, and I've finally changed from RPG Maker 95 to RPG Maker 2000. In case you knew that I was a constant user of RPG Maker 95. RPG Maker 2000 is a bit harder, but the enemies aren't !!! You know what i mean if you used RPG Maker 95 too. Dang, I am mad. Why in the heck did ASCII put in those enemies, anyway? Oh well. I gotta go to comb my hair now. Cya.

I am starting what this site was made for. My comic. I have two characters drawn out and plan a couple more for the first strip.
Cya for now. Oh yeah, I got over 100 visitors! Woohoo!

I put in a new format for my links today. I need to put up frames soon, when I stop being lazy ^_^;.

For too long I have been ignoring my not-so-loyal nonexistant fans. Well, that's all about to change. Look up "The Aquabats" and you will find the most beautiful music that ever existed.

I am talking to people on MSN messenger right now. Seeya!

HEY! I just set up my Gateway a couple'o minutes ago! Its 1.4 Ghz, 16 Gig, 128 Megabytes RAM. Well, gotta go get some downloads. Bye!
PS:Sorry for not writin' lately.

Hi! This is me again. I get to go to a movie with the kids today. I just got on to celebrate the 20th visitor mark on my webpage. 15 of them are probably mine though. '^_^. Oh well. Anyway, I think I am going to start posting my comics as soon as I get my new computer and hook a scanner uo to it. Also, I might just start my ever-re-occuring "Fun Stuff" page up on this site. Angelfire rocks! You can edit it with their own little applet, you can submit stuff, you can edit html on the page, or you can even submit pages on your computer I think! Alrighty, I am going to start adding some more pages, so I'll seeya later!

Hey! I just got back from meeting with the Japanese guys and gals that I told you about! One of them has Megaman X5, which is really cool. Seeya!

Hi again. Just got on to tell everyone that I get to talk to kids straight from japan tommorow. 8-6-01

Hi, I'm risingneko. I make comics, program using Visual Basic, and like anime and video games! I just made this site, so it is pathetic, but I'll start uploadin' as soon as I get my new computer this summer. Seeya! 8-4-01


My freind Nick's webpage|My old site| My dad's dental practice site| My mom's mom business
Some Mega Man Pics|Fanfiction!|My Megaman History
OnlineRyanRPG on M,T,Th,F,Sat at 6:00

Email: risingneko@hotmail.com
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