How to Fight

Fighting is simple here a example Your health is 100 and the D by your moves stands for damage.The 1 with the highest speed goes first if their the same then choose who goes firsts. Heres your example and you can't use the same attck over 5 times unless its punch or kick. Iron Man goes firsts. Iron Man:Hand Beam 15 D Hit after you type in ur attack and send it type in hit if your opponet types in dodge firsts the attack doesnt do damage but if you type in hit it does Hayato:Sword Slash 15 D Iron Man:Dodge Type in when your usin a item it counts as you turn. Iron Man has no damage but Hayato hs 85 health left keep track of each others health and their musts be another member viewing the battle to keep track of health who ever wins the battle gets 25$ and 10 health the looser gets 5 health. if you have ? about fighting email me Or l will write the fight