
Chapter 1 of 3: The Doom Bots V.S The Avengers: Iron Man. What is it Hawkeye we have a call about a disturbance in New York. Whats the disturbance? Well Iron Man, a man by the name of Dr. Doom has sent a squad of 5 robot replicas of himself to terrorize New York, says Hawkeye. What do we know about these robots, says Iron Man. Thats move Hawkeye, says Iron Man. When the 2 Avengers arrive the Mayor is there to greet them. Avenger welcome at this time their are no robots attackin until they arrive we have made a room for you to stay in, says the Mayor. 2 hours later the Doom bots begin their attack Iron Man and Hawkeye rush to the scene. Hawkeye take high Ground, says Iron Man. Their are 3 Doom bots each with 100 health and a attack that does 40 D thats called Plasma Ray. Hawkeye fire down on them, says Iron Man. Hawkeye shoots Combo Shot at them all. Arrows piercing all the Doom Bots and circuits flying. Iron Man fires a Uni Beam and knocks 1 of them into the ground. Wow this is easy says Hawkeye but then all of a sudden 2 Doom bots shoot Plasma Rays at Hawkeye doin 80 D to him and knockin him to the floor but while he was falling he hit a doom bot wit Perfect Shot. Leavin 1 Doom Bot with 60 health 2 with 80 health and 1 with 100 health ad 1 with 75 Health. Iron Man Goes to aid Hawkeye but is shot wit 3 Plasma rays also knocking Iron Man on the ground. Leavin Hawkeye with 75 Health and Iron Man with 30 health. We cant take this fire power Hawkeye, says Iron Man. With my help you can, Says War Machine. To Be Continued Chapter 2 of 3:War Machine to the Rescue,We Think War Machine what are you doing hee, asks Hawkeye. Saving your sorry ass, says War Machine. War Machine fires 2 Missles and hits his target the weakests of the Doom Bots. Let me finish the job Smart Bomb, says Iron Mn destroying a Doom Bot. Wait it looks like we only neeto do alot of D not 100 to blow them up, saysHkeye. Then thats go, says Iron Man. Hawkeye quickly jumps to his fet and fires Blasts Arrows at the 4 Doom bots left and Iron Man goes air born and fires Smart Bombs at all of them. Leavin 2 Doom Bots with 50 health 1 with 70 and 1 with 45. These things tke to long to kill but then, Charging Star a Doom Bot fal to the ground and is down to 25 health, HOLY SHIT itsy old budd Captain America says Iron Man. Its time that these bots learn Justice, says Captin America Chapter 3 of 3:Captin America Joins the Fight Cap wht are yoy doing here, asks Hawkeye. Im serving my country, says Captain America. All of a sudden Missle War Machine is struggling against a Doombots Iron Man says looks like 4 on 4. So the fight begins Cap quicly takes out his opponet with a Charging Star and Stars and Stripes Combo, IronMan also makes quick work of his opponet with a Uni Beam and a couple Smart Bombs, and Hawkeye and War Machine both defeat their opponet. After the battle they were all rewrded and all of them returned home.
