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Welcome to Resurrection.

Before we get into the story, I'm going to talk to you a little about it.
Resurrection came to me after watching various anime's in which the story line consist's of people being reborn in different bodies, during different times, this has always fasinated me, being a learning Druid and believing in such things, after a bit of 'head work' aka thinking, I came up with the story I now call Resurrection. It's taken me about one year to come this far, and I have no intention of stopping now, so I hope that you like the story, and the character's (as they are all based off friend's of mine.) and most of all I hope you like the various little 'morals' and 'life lessons' that I've snuck in here and there, now don't get me wrong, I'm not turning this story into an after school special, but I think that those little things I've dropped here and there make the characters and story more life-like, hit home a bit more.
Now then, I'll be updating this site as much as I can, but given I'm the only one working here it may not get updated as much as I'd like it to, but I'll put up new additions below, as well as what to expect shortly on the site.
Also, as a note: Yes, I have copywritten the story, characters and the such, I've had one story stolen from me before, so I took procautions this time. Thanks.
But, enough of my rambaling, Let's get into why you came, the story.

Resurrection: Chapters.

Resurrection: Bio's

Last Update on: 03/26/05

Resurrection Artist Contest!

Resurrection Yahoo Group.

Coming Soon:

Resurrection: Chapter 8.
Character Bios: None.
Character Pictures: None.

If ever a Link doesn't work, or for some strange reason you want to e-mail me to say good job, you can reach me at My Yahoo E-Mail, Thanks.

Resurrection and all Character names and Character's themselves are Copyright © 2002 Russell Grant. All Rights Reserved.