Eric Poole


Eric Poole
888 Staley Lane
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
888-888-8888 Eric Poole Resume>
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    Details of working life:
  1. Worked 4 years at local Meat Packing Plant, Hoffers Ligonier Valley Packing
    Position: basic maintenance, had 2 workers underneath me
    Reason for quitting:school

  2. Worked 1 year at Idlewild Park in Ligonier, PA
    Position: Sipper manager, had 10, 15-year old girls working for me
    Reason for quitting: School

  3. Currently working at THE PITT NEWS
    Position: design graphics

  4. Currently working for Pristine Pictures
    Position: graphic designer
  5. Working full-time at being a jag-off

What I am looking for: