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Megaman.EXE P&PRPG notes


Navi Types:

Charming Type +3 Charm +1 Special 1d6 HD

Charming Types don’t incur a penalty when getting Charm Based skills. Can use a special Charm attack twice per session to make an enemy fight alongside the Navi for 1d6 turns. This attack incurs an opposed test using the Navi’s Charm against the Opponents special.



Strong Type +3 Strength +1 Defense 1d10 HD

Strong Types Incur no Penalties when taking Strength Based Skills. They also get twice the lifting power of the Other Navi Types. (Instead of Strength X 2 its Strength X 4)



Quick Type +3 Quickness +1 Special 1d8 HD

Quick Types harbor no penalty when taking quickness based skills. Quick types are an exception to the rule when it comes to dodging bullets/blasts in ranged combat. They use the Melee dodging rules instead.


Special Type +4 Special +1 Quickness -1 Defense 1d6 HD

Special Types don’t get any penalties from taking Special based skills. All damage done with battle chips used by special types do 15% more damage (rounded up)


Defense Type +4 Defense 1d12 HD

Defense types can (as a full turn action) increase their defense by double its attribute number. This lasts for three turns.


Balance Type +1 Strength +1 Quickness +1 Intelligence +1 Defense 1d8 HD

Balance Types learn skills much easier then other types. To increase a skill up to their attribute rating it costs .5 skill points per skill rating. To raise it above their rating it costs 1.5 skill points.


Intelligent Type +2 Intelligence +2 Special 1d6 HD

Intelligent Types take no penalties from intelligence based skills. Three times per game an intelligent type can try to auto hack a door or barrier. The target number for this is 7. The Intelligent type can also use one of those three times to Auto-scan an enemy. The target number for this is 5.


Lucky Type~ +2 Special 1d8 HP

Lucky types get 1 Free Re-Roll per session`. They also have an un-canny ability to coincidentally find a hidden door, dodge an enemy attack, etc. This should be role-played out to make for comical moments.


Ninja Type +3 Quickness +3 Special -2 Strength 1d6 HP

Ninja types get a -2 to Target Numbers to Concealment and Move Silently checks. They also have the ability to use the effect of an escape chip anytime during battle.


~Only Available if DM allows it

`Stacks with the Lucky Advantage


Navi Attributes:








Operator Attributes:



Will Power





Attribute Points(Navi and operator both recieve same amount): 23

Freebies: 5


Skill Points: Int X 5


Elements: Navi can have one Element (standard is Non-Elemental) to buy an element other then the standard it costs 1 Freebie. You can only have one element



Extra Skill Points are 2 Freebies a pop


Advantages cost as much as their Advantage Rating


Disadvantages add to freebies


Skills cost 1 skill point per rating up to the level of the linked attribute. For every point higher then the linked attribute it costs 2 skill points.


Max Freebies: 10


HP= HD + Strength


Attributes are raised by Upgrades. First Upgrade is 500. Second is 1000. Third is 2000. etc. etc.


Skills (Not yet in alphabetical order) (Most apply to both Navi and Operator)

Acrobatics (Quickness)

Athletics (Quickness)

Brawilng (Strength)

Bomb Chips (Quickness)

Musicianship (Charm)

Cannon Chips (Strength)

Demolitions (Intelligence)

Cryptology (Intelligence)

Climbing (Strength)

Concentration (Special)

Concealment (Special)

Deduction (Intelligence)

Evade (Quickness)

Bribery (Charm)

Acting (Charm)

Melee Chips (Strength)

Busters (Quickness)

Persuasion (Charm)

Net Smarts (Intelligence)

Under Net Knowledge (Intelligence)

Security Systems (Intelligence)

Hacking (Intelligence)

Sleight of Hand (Quickness)

Interrogation (Charm or Strength)

Tracking (Special)

Data Tracking (Special)

Read Data (Intelligence)

Chip Knowledge (Intelligence)

Miscellaneous Chips (Special)

Move Silently (Quickness)

Etiquette (Charm)

Seduction (Charm)

Virus Identification (Intelligence)

Analyze (Intelligence)

Search (Intelligence)

Spot (Intelligence)

Listen (Intelligence)

*Skill descriptions to come soon..



Inner Power (3): The Navi has a hidden power deep inside that usually manifests only in times of great danger.

At the GM's choosing the Navi's stats double for three rounds.


Free Reign(3): The navi has no need for an operator to fight. It can store chips in its own memory.


Net Passports(2)**: The navi has stored in its memory the access codes to the computer of a contact/friend or other NPC


Net Contact(2)**: The Navi has in his memory the virtual calling card of a Net Merchant/Information Guru/ Or another NPC of their choosing.


Ambidextrous(1): The Navi/Operator can use both hands with equal profficiency


Lucky(3): The Navi/Operator is realy lucky. This allows a total re-roll for any task once a session.


Wealth(1-3): Depending on the Advantage rating the Operator has more money at the start of the game.


Empathic Bond(1): The Navi/Operator shares an Empathic bond with their partner.  +1 Moral bonus to rolls when both Navi and operator are working together.


Rank(1-3): The Navi/Operator holds some rank in the Net battlers association.


Easy Back-Up(2): It is quite easy to make back-up data for the Navi and deletion is never realy a serious threat.


Dedication(1): The character is highly dedicated and will try to follow the task to the end. Gives a +1 to all dice rolls during certain strenuous tasks.


Keen Lier(2): The Character is able to tell lies with great Profficiency. +1 to all Charm based skills.


Chip Longevity(2): The navi stores the chips data in his frame longer then normal. Battle chips last one turn longer.


Net Hopping(2): The Navi can hop between safe zones in the net with three succesfull quickness rolls.


Enhanced Senses(1-3): One or more senses is enhanced for the character. +1 to Listen rolls for enhanced hearing. +1 to Spot for enhanced Sight. +1 Other enhanced senses are used for roleplaying purposes.


Premonitions(3): The character has random flashes of the imediate future


Ally(2-3): The character has an ally in real life or on the web. at rank 2 the Ally is of equal power. At Rank 3 the ally is of slightly greater power.


Net Secrets(3): The character knows a few secrets to the working of the net and under net.



Shadow Self(3): Theres an evil version of you that randomly manifests.


Clumsy(2): -1 to all quickness based rolls


Color Blinf(1): The character can't see colors


No Back-Up(3): The Navi's data is so complex that making a back-up is nearly impossible. When deleted great measures are usually taken to recover the Navi Data.


Detached(1): The character likes to be alone and doesn't speak much. Doesn't work well in groups.


Short Attention Span(2): The character has a hard time listening and paying attention for more then five minutes.


Rival(2-3): The character has a rival of equal or greater power.


Nemesis(3): The character has a vastly powerful person after them or a large group of people after them.


Decreased Memory(2): The Navi has ten less MB of data for storage. Less E-mails and passports are able to be saved.


Poor(1-3): The character is moderately or extremely poor. Less starting money


Notoriety(1-3): The character is known for being a criminal. May be falsely accused.


Amnesia(2): The character has no memories before the present


Searching(1): An important item of the characters has been lost. One of characters top priorities to find it.


Power Loss(3): The Navi has lost the power to A: Use Battle Chips B: Use their main Weapon C: Jack-Out. Usually resolved through intensive roleplaying.


Deaf(2): The character can't hear. Can't make listen checks or hear orders and commands.


Blind(3): The character can't see. Can't make listen checks and gets minus -10 on Search and Track checks. 


Brutally Honest(2): The character can't tell a lie.


Slow Reactions(3): The character reacts very slowly. -2 to Initiative and Evade Rolls


Code of Honor(1-3): The character has a code of honor permitting him to do somethings. The higher the rating the more strict the code is.


**Can be taken multiple Times


More in-depth descriptions to come

Combat Notes:




Inifinite Free Actions per round

3 Simple Actions

2 Standard Actions

1 Complex Action

More info coming soon


Free Actions:

Activate an Item

Drop an Item


Drop to the Ground


Manifest Main Weapon


Simple Action:

Standard attack





Strike an Object


Standard Move


Charged Main Weapon Attack


Standard Action:


Use Battle-Chip(Operator)

Manifest Battle-Chip (Navi)


Move Heavy Object

Open Door

Stand up from being knocked down

Retrieve a Stored Item

Brace a Fire-Arm

Use Manifested Battle-Chip(Navi)

Charge Main Weapon


Complex Actions:

Move an extremely Heavy Object


Total Defense


Cover Fire

Suppressive Fire

Program Advance



To attack someone you would take the skill involved with the weapon you are using (like a sword chip would use the Melee Chip skill.) and roll that many d8’s to try to beat the Target Number. For every two successes you make the Attack does the damage listed. If you only make 1 success then you only do ½ damage.


Rules of 1 and 8:

All dice landing on 1 are automatic failures. If all dice land on 1 it is a disastrous mistake. If a dice lands on 8 you re-roll it and then add that number to the 8. This is used to beat Target Numbers higher then 8.


Opposed Tests:

Example: SilverMan.EXE is a fairly weak Navi when it comes to physical strength but he has to keep a gate shut so his friends can escape. The Navi trying to break through the gate, DiamondMan.EXE is a fairly though Navi. SilverMan.EXE has a strength score of 3 while Diamondman.EXE has a strength score of 5. SilverMan.EXE gets to roll 3 dice to try to beat a target number of 6 (DiamondMan.EXE’s strength + 1) more times then DiamondMan.EXE can beat the target number of 4 (SilverMan.EXE’s Strength +1) Having a strength of 5 DiamondMan.EXE can roll 5 dice….SilverMan.EXE seem’s to be in a lot of trouble.



Initiative = Quickness + Intelligence +1d8

Every Turn everyone’s initiative decreases by 3. Any characters that don’t have initiative that turn can’t take any actions until everyone runs out and Initiative is re-rolled. If the Navi moves before the Operator does and the Operator uses a Battle chip on his turn then it will manifest on the Navi’s next turn. (if he chooses so)


Delaying: A Character can delay his turn and watch how the battle unfolds. If he deems it fit he can intervene in the next combat phase of an ally. If he does so he moves before anyone in that combat does.


Ranged Combat:

The Target Number for Ranged combat is determined by how many range increments away the enemy is.

Short Range: 0 – 20 Meters Target Number 3

Medium Range: 21 – 50 Meters Target Number 5

Long Range: 51 – 90 Meters Target Number 7

Very Long Range: 91 – 120 Meters Target Number 10



To dodge in combat you take the skill linked to the weapon that the enemy is using as the target number. (If the enemy has Melee Chip 10 the Target number is 10) Dodging Ranged Attacks are harder though (Except for bombs and grenades) and they get a +2 to the target number. The Evade skill is used to dodge attacks.



When you try to use a skill you don’t have you will have to default to the base attribute. Of course this implies a penalty. The target number increases by 3 when ever you default.



Battle Chips: Are temporary weapons and power-ups usable by Navi’s to help them in battle. Most Battle Chips can be bought but the rare ones can only be found in the net or after defeating a powerful enemy.





Cannon Type - Damage: 1d6 - Target Number: 5 - Duration: 1 Turn – Recoil: 2 - Cost: 100 Zenni


Yet again..more is coming soon.


Notes are not yet finished. If you would like to contribute find me on mIRC, AIM as MechaRed, or E-mail me at