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Hey, this is a really sorry excuse for an update, but I just don’t have time. Final exams are coming up, and I’ve got three for physics alone. But enough excuses, because that isn’t the point of this. I just wanted to say that I’m really sorry for never updating, and I want you guys to know that I haven’t forgotten about you.

One thing that I’m really working on for Raven right now is the style. I hate the fact that I keep messing around with it, but I have to keep going. If I don’t change it, I won’t be happy with it. So I’m going to keep redesigning the entire ‘cast’ until I figure out what it is that I want. Until I do, I’m not going to update, sorry.

By the way… If you’re having a bit of difficulty knowing who’s who in the comic, look at the color of the text boxes. Raven is always purple, Krystal is yellow, and the preps are different variations of pink.

If you have any comments (I hope you do, I want to know what you think of my comic!), please email me at

Luv always; your Mistress of Chaos.

the chaos theory
big page o comics