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Raingutter Studios Homepage

Thank you for visiting our page at Angelfire. Here at Raingutter Studios, we're gonna be starting up a couple of comics and a poets corner, just at first, and maybe start getting other stuff like fan art of almost any show up here.

Of course, I cant work on that right now. Too many people have suffered in Asia, I gotta try and help. You can too. I'm going to post up links to all the International RedCross sites I can, as well as other reliable aid organizations. You can help by getting me links to all these places and sending in HTML script to make this place look a little better. You can also spread the word to help out and get me links to other sites that are doing like I am that might have links I dont. I know this is'nt much, but please, if you cant find a place to donate at any of the sites here, go to a church or a local Red Cross station or something and donate.

American Red Cross
British Red Cross
Dutch Red Cross
German Red Cross
Australian Red Cross
French Red Cross
Canadian Red Cross
United States Fund for Unicef
Unicef Main Site (United Nations site)

If you'd like to join up as an artist, writer, or whatever, or help out with getting sites posted, email me at

Or, use the feedback button below.


Link to the Studios Comics Library(work in progress)