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Protoman's Revenge


I hate people. Don't you? Well, more specifically, don't you hate people that mock gamers in public? I'm about to ramble for a bit, so sit down. During school (I'm going to be a sophomore in high school next year :(), random kids, mainly popular kids and skaters, would walk up to me while I was playing Golden Sun or the like, and ask "So, what level are you at in Pokeymen?" Now, before you yell at me for being mean to the stupid non gamers, let me ask you... What the hell is Pokeymen? And what's the last game you played that actually had levels, and not missions, ect.? Anywho, those same kids would then walk away and pull out their GBA's and act like the shit. Now we shift our attention to your local game demo at Target, Wal-Mart, ect. If I find one more broken controller or whiny kid who can't get Sonic to move, I will bash some heads. Just had to get that out of my system. New comic today. Sorry about the delay, but I had work. Bloody job.

Disclaimer- I do NOT in any way own the rights to the sprites used in this comic. All sprites © Copyright Capcom Inc. or their respective owners.Under the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976, I can't be sued because: This ia a non-profit comic used to Parody and/or Entertain*. All item's that are not already © Copyrighted (is that a word?), © Copyright me, Nick Linn. Thanks to Heatman's homepage for most of the sprites!

*(Please don't sue me. I'll be good! Honest.)

*Entertain? Ha!